Objective point of view makes a wise choice
The photo shows how he checked the stage rehearsal of HEY! HEY! HEY! through the monitor. Music broadcasting system in Japan is pretty good. It’s systematic. After two rehearsals, he completely understood how the camera moves, he never failed to deviate from the camera angle line. He succeeded to picture all the frames.
객관적인 시선 현명한 처신
사진은 HEYX3에서 스테이지 리허설을 모니터 하는 모습. 일본의 음악방송 시스템은 상당히 좋다. 체계적이다. 두 번의 리허설로 카메라 동선을 완전히 파악한 그는, 단 한번도 앵글에서 벗어나지 않았다. 모든 프레임을 완벽한 그림으로 만들었다
I take the bus of Boss to work!
사장님 버스타고 출근!
wow!!!!! studying how it will workout on the camera
..the sincere boss,I Love him !!!!!
Hahhaha….JKS is super perfectionist!!! LOLL…never fail to find a perfect camera angles to send his charms to the viewers. Got to love him for it!!!!!
perfectionist! very precise! he always wants everything perfect!
good job, prince! ♥
Oo.. Look he’ s everywhere wherever you go you see him
Ever the perfectionist! Wish I could see one of the shows.
Our hardworking Prince at work.
Read in some articles that he also has an eye for details besides being a
perfectionist when at work. However, when its time to play, he can be totally wild, crazy and cute….How can we not love him ???
take good care geun suk always.
how i wish we can find his face everywhere in SG….
Not only in SG, Farina…all over the world (very soon this will come true with our Eel powers!). Wish there was like “Suktown” or “Sukland” where all of us will stay and live. Me and my imagination at it again! KKK. Pity that our “sukland” is only in our dreams..
We’re lucky co’z we have NR in the Philippines and I heard that “Caffe Bene” will also open a branch in our country!! I hope Sukkie will come for the inauguration of the new shop..
I can visualize the “airport scene” ECI family (philippines) and Eels Philppines,holding a huge banner..
Hi fellow eels! Do you have any idea on where is the location of Caffe Benne in the Philippines? I’m so excited for its opening and hopefully JKS will come here.
Not sure sis but I think it was in Eastwood..Are you a member of Eels Phillipines in FB,they will have a gathering this coming July 17..
why Sukkie’s doing exercise for weight-loss? I can’t see any fat with him. He’s too skinny already TT
pyori_j, he is building muscles for his coming Cri show 2 concerts ^_^ The first show is coming 7th July in Seoul… timing is running & our dear boy is doing so many things.. building abs, dance & song rehearsal, learning Chinese.. super busy artiste!