[07.06.2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo

The number of fans on Weibo exceeds 3,000,000!!!!!!! And this is the scene broadcast live!!!!
웨이버 300만 돌파!!!!!!! 그리고 지금 생중계위 현장!!!!

OMG… I couldn’t remember what I posted on Weibo yesterday-_-
대애애애박 어제 웨이보 올린거 기억 안나-_-

Searching my memory for yesterday…
어제의 기억을 찾아서…

Ah..I guess I was making merry holding a bottle of champagne at a club in Busan, and the bottle broke my tooth..
아..부산클럽에서 샴페인들고 뛰어다니다가 병에 이빨이 깨졌구나..

Everyone, please delete the photos about my tooth.. Just wondering any articles are out makes me headache.
얘들아 이빨사진 지워줘..기사나면 머리아프다.. 

4 thoughts on “[07.06.2012] Jang Keun Suk Weibo”

  1. It’s Bad News about your accident.

    I will told u again, Pls. take care yourself.
    Don’t do anything that make your Eels got frighten.

    Miss u.


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