Drunken folks in Busan!!!!!!
꽐라사마 in 부산!!!!!!
Grandma, do you know Guen-chan?
Yes, I know. He appears in Makkori CM~~
It’s me!!
할머니 근짱아세요? 응 알어 막걸시 씨엠에 나오는 애~~ 그게 바로 접니다!! 뙇 お祖母さん!グンちゃんとゆひとしってる?うん!マッコリのおとこじゃん!~~それはぼくで~~す!
New Guen-chan’s hide-out~!
새로운 근짱의 아지트~! あたらしいぐんちゃんのアジト~!
There is an exclusive shop for Guen-chan products in Shin-okubo~~
신오오쿠보에는 근짱만의 샵도 있어요~~ 新大久保にはグンちゃんだけのショップもあるよん!
tenshi_akuma’s note: As you know. it’s WPS (World Prince Shop).
After all, I like Shinjuku~~
역시 나의 타입은 신쥬꾸~~ やっぱオレのたいぴはしんじゅくだ!
I gave one to a kid eating ice cream at cafe~~
카페에서 아이스크림 먹고 있는 꼬마에게도 하장 주고~~ カフェでアイスクリミたべていたこいつにも一まいあげたし~
I gave one to a girl working in the cafe, too~
옆 카페 알바언냐에게도 한 장~ 後ろのカフェでいたおねちゃんにもあげたし~
To whom am I going to give my CD..?
누구에게 cd를 줘야 하나.. だれにcdをあげるかな
OK. I give it to this girl~~ Please give me a call 15 years later^^
Ok 이녀석에세 줘야지~~15년뒤에 오빠한테 전화해^^ オケ!こいつにあげる~~15年あとに電話してね^^
tenshi_akuma’s note: I heard that she is not a girl…, but a boy. Lol.
I went to Karaoke and found that there were Guen-chan’s songs!!!!
노래방을 갔더니 근짱의 노래가 뙇!!!! カラオケに行って見たらグンちゃんのきょくが!!!
Super happy to see him had a good time in Japan and did lotsa of things he wanted to do ^_^
Wahahaha!!! He called a boy as girl OMG Is this the famous HTK who figured out go mi nam…i have noted suk is worse in figuring out girls and boys…in the super king show in taiwan he seriously failed trying to figure out the girl among the three people present… LOL!!!!! and now this WAHAHAHA!!!!!
Is so sweet of our Princejks to share his happiness with people who don’t even know him..His actions jast show us how generous and kind our Princejks is

Truly love this special talented person who had bring so much life into others
Being Jang Keun Suk himself is what we eels wanted to see in our Princejks
Love to see him in happy moods and enjoying ^_^
All the best to his upcoming Cri II
Hope he will come to Singapore soon
Wow! He had a grand time in Japan! I feel so happy for him having some “me” time. He deserves it and really needs it. He needs to unwind somehow before his Cri Show starts. He’s gonna be real busy by then and I guess won’t have time like this for himself much.
I had a feeling that purchasing some of his own CDs was so that he could unwrap & autograph them to give to people along the way…
He knows “word of mouth” is the best advertising!
Nan, I bet he is the only artiste I knew who takes the trouble to do that and really a creative way to share his achievement & at the same time marketing for himself.. really great to see he enjoys meeting people on the streets despite he is a superstar already!
the marketing blood indeed inside him. the best marketer!
admire him more and more…..
Simply shows that Keun Suk is a very spontaneous and approachable guy. He gives his albums to the working people, the man, woman and child on the street. Looking at their pictures, they all look wonderfully happy and beautiful. The best shots are those that truly captures the soul and all of these pictures uploaded by Keun Suk shows.
Don’t forget he didn’t have his managers or staff with him. He himself had to remove the CD covers before he can sign on them, them put them back. Imagine doing 50 of those! Only Sukkie will bother to do something like that!
Wen, I still remember the earlier tweets last year when Sukkie is at one of the Arena tour in Japan, during his short break backstage.. he tried out his paper doll (the standing paper doll) and he said it is quite challenging.. this is the product that was sold at WPS (World Prince Store) also.. I was laughing then he must the only one who tried out his own product like paper doll and gave as present to the 3 MCs during the Knee Drop Guru program.. really cute! ^_^ (that is why I felt so bad when the 3 men didn’t show much appreciation of the gifts.. we would love to have those gifts so much!)
Apart from his smile, cute, handsome, sweet voice ,,,,, I also love his down-to-earth character. Moreover I love his face without make up – he is super handsome
oh .. I love the activities Sukkie in this time ..
He’s really into public relations for himself, while having fun. Very smart! He greets everyone from children to grandmothers, very friendly, very sweet, very pleasant for people who see him.
I really like him with the fresh face without make-up, so innocent, and very handsome ..
I noemu noemu love him !!