Following the achievement that Jang Keun Suk’s first album got No.1 ranking on Oricon Daily Album Chart, it topped the Oricon Weekly Album Chart, too. We are deeply grateful to you eels^^
장근석 정규앨범 오리콘 데일리 1위에이여, 오리콘 위클리도 1위를 달성했습니다. 장어분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다^^
We posted about “JANG KEUN SUK ASIA TOUR CRI SHOW2” in Seoul on NOTICE of For more detail, refer to the announcement on
<장근석 아시아투어 크리쇼2> 서울 공연에 대한 안내 프린스JKS닷컴 공지 올렸습니다. 자세한사항은 프린스JKS닷컴 공지사항에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.
We uploaded the video Actor Jang Keun Suk himself edited, subtitled on JKS official YouTube channel. Eels, if you are interested in his self-edited video, please go and check it^^
배우 장근석 편집, 자막까지 영상작업을 직접한 장배우의 영상이 장근석 공식 유투브 채널에 올라갔습니다. 장배우의 편집 영상이 궁금하신 장어분들은 장근석 공식 유투브 채널에서 확인하세요^^
Does anyone feel that although there is a Korean language option, but the website is still not that friendly??? Most of the text did not convert although option had been selected to view in english…..
agreed with you totally. the web site is not very good designed and I believe it is not very helpful for international eels. I hope treeJ will solve this. JKS is very busy and these are little things he cannot deal with these. but i hope he will hear us
Thought i was the only one!
Hope he see this!
i feel the same way too! but that’s not the only problem I encountered, sometimes the connection is slow that i need to click the option again and again. hope they hear us