3 thoughts on “[Pics] KBS “Love Rain” in 2012”

  1. Well..today will be the last episode of Love Rain ;-( So sad.. Going to miss our Princejks but knowing he will embark on his Cri 2 😉 All the best to our Princejks 😉 Always supporting and love you only 🙂 Be strong,happy and take care our Princejks 😉

  2. Today is the screening of the last episode of Love Rain….I m feeling sad…

    Have been following the live broadcast of this drama since day one and this is a totally new experience to me, such as watching it live without subtitles, then watching it again the next day with subtitles and rewatching it another time in the week while waiting for the new episodes to be broadcasted the next week….

    I will miss the beautiful love story in Love Rain and also the chance to see our Prince on TV every week from now on… I may suffer from withdrawal syndrome soon….

    Princejks, U have done a wonderful job portraying InHa and Joon…Love Rain will definitely be one of my favourite drama… maybe even the best…

  3. Definately missing our prince charming’s presence in e small screen. Love rain is indeed one of e best Korean drama . Will buy the DVD & lend to my friends who do not know of this drama. Not sure if Mediacorp will air it on Ch 8/U. Hope they do so that more people will know JKS. Pls let us see more of you JKS! Whether in music or movie or drama or commercials etc… Best of luck to your CRI II shows! Pls visit Singapore! Cheers to our Prince!


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