11 thoughts on “[26.04.2012] JKS at 48th Baek-sang Arts Awards (6)”

  1. i love every picture of him here….
    Sukkie, congrats to you once again! You truly deserve it!
    See you again tomorrow and Tuesday in Love Rain ^^

    • At first I hesitated to post these pics here, because they’re a little out of date. But they’re memorable pics and all of him are dazzling!! So I posted them courageously! I’m happy you love them all 🙂

      • no news of Sukkie is ever out of date…. absolutely agree we will never get tired of looking at him or reading about his news! Thanks Kaori ^^

  2. thanks tenshi! love the photos! it‘s like a breath of fresh air each time you see him and his charming smile! agree with moonie, won‘t get tired of it. 🙂

  3. That’s how our blue eyed boy looks like after risking life and death, driving at break neck speed to get to the awards just to thank his fans for voting for him. Bright and wonderful!:)

  4. LOVE RAIN! LOVE RAIN! I’m waiting for Love Rain, counting down to the hours when we can see our Keun Suk/Seo Joon on screen again!!!!! Urgh!!!!

  5. Kaori chan, thank you so much for posting these beautiful pictures here. Never tired of looking at him or reading about him. He’s so handsome and looks like a real Prince here.

    Sis, Never mind if it’s not the latest news or newest pictures, please post them here as your heart desire!!! I’ll always read your post. This blog is my daily sanctuary and stress reducer site. If there is no daily news or posts, I would often back reading all those interested topics.

  6. Thanks Tenshi. This blog is a must visit for me everyday. Sometimes I am too busy or I have to go away but I know that when I come back I can catch up on the news on Sukkie here. Please do continue to post everything about Sukkie even if it is not recent. He always looks so good, never boring.

  7. Thank you so much for posting all these pics. I really love visiting this blog since I found it in January this year while goggling for info on JKS. LIke the other sisters, I have also made visiting this blog my daily ritual. I m so happy to be able to get updated on a daily basis on whats happening to JKS. Appreciate all the hardwork the team has put in to make this blog so meaning to eels ard the world.


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