[News] Singapore (22 – 23 Apr 2011) – 1st stop in Asia Tour!

Good news for fans! Korean “flower-pretty” boy Jang Keun Suk, at the invitation of Colored Rhythms, will arrive in Singapore on 22 April and hold a “JKS Asia Fans Meeting” on 23 April.

According to news, the fan-meeting will be held at a venue that can accommodate more than 1,300 people. Besides using songs and dance to attract fans, JKS will also hold a small-scale autograph session to allow fans the opportunity to take a photograph together with him.

Local organiser Colored Rhythms representative said during the interview yesterday that there will be as many as 16 people in JKS’ massive entourage this time, including JKS’ parents and 3 managers.

Last year when JKS visited Singapore, he fell in love with the local Hainanese chicken rice and chilli crab; this time, he’s already requesting to taste his favourites dishes as it’s an opportunity not to be missed!

The Singapore stop is the first stop in JKS’ Asia Tour. Although the venue is being kept under wraps for now, what can be confirmed is that JKS will bring a unique performance to Singapore fans that will last nearly 2 hours. It will definitely be value for money!

JKS has shot to fame in Japan on the back of the drama “You are Beautiful”. In addition, he will release his first solo single album in Japan at the end of March, and also organise a showcase for thousands of fans.

As JKS’ most recent drama “Marry me Mary” (M3) has just completed airing, will JKS be singing his OST songs from M3 at this fan-meeting, saying “Hello Hello” and oozing tons of charm, together with his version of Masaharu Fukuyama’s “I will promise you”? With JKS often springing fantabulous surprises on his fans during fan-meeting, what “special treat” will he bring this time round? Expectations are running high!

Details on the venue and ticket price will be released later. For more updates on JKS’ Singapore trip, please look out for our newspaper reports or go to www.jksinsingapore.com

Reported by Zhang Yan-Ling, Shin Min News Daily
Thanks to Sukbar for sharing the news.


Note from Aphrael77:

I’m ashamed of myself as a Singaporean – why is Sukbar almost always the first to get the news, and ahead of Singaporean fans??
Anyway, I’m delirously happy that it’s a FM!!!!! I must get my hands on that ticket!!!


粉丝好消息!长得俊美的韩国花美男张根硕,将应本地Colored Rhythms之邀,于4月22日抵新,在23日办一场“张根硕Asia Fans Meeting”的亚洲巡演!
  本地Colored Rhythms发言人昨受访时向记者透露,张根硕这一次来新,随行者多达16人,除了张爸爸、妈妈,单是经理人就有3位,“张家班”声势浩大!
  由于张根硕不久前才以偶像剧《玛丽外宿中》与电视观众见面,此番来新,“姜武玦”会否带来他在《玛丽》里的歌曲,向粉丝问声“Hello Hello”,再大放迷魂弹,来一首福山雅治歌曲的韩语新版“I will promise you”?经常喜欢在FM(粉丝见面会)上让粉丝“欣喜若狂”的张,这一回会带来什么“神秘武器”?备受期待!

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