[09.04.2012] @MyloveKBS twitter

this and that… we saw 180-degree changes in In Ha & Yoon Hee’s charm!
Were you taken in by 3-second magic?
알콩달콩…티격태격… 인하 & 윤희와는 180도 다른 반전 매력!
여러분들도 준 ♥ 하나의 ‘3초 마법’에 빠지셨나요?

Credits: 1004KBS

Two kinds of mixsed love story! Fast-paced story + sensuous footage + dazzling characters!
엇갈린 인연의 두 가지 사랑이야기! 속도감 있는 전개+감각적 영상+톡톡 튀는 캐릭터!

We issue an alert of homme fatale, photographer “Seo Joon” in 2012!
마성의 포토그래퍼 2012년 ‘서준’ 주의보 발령!

3 thoughts on “[09.04.2012] @MyloveKBS twitter”

  1. Would I be considered a bad eel if I admit I’m looking forward to the sceneries as much as or more than Seo Jun? I accept possible kabayaki. At least until they leave Hokkaido which is so beautiful with its winter scenery (yes, I love snow but just not when I have to drive in it).

  2. Andrea, I think you won’t be “grilled” by Keun Suk so long as you don’t look at other actors, and only have eyes for him LOL … so admiring the winter scenery is absolutely okay in my opinion ^^

  3. Andrea, Sukkie said he loved the beautiful scenery so I’m sure he will understand and won’t grill you! kekeke!


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