36 thoughts on “Thoughts on Love Rain ep 4”

  1. mm… generally I agree with Andrea about the friendship and forgiveness, though I am more critical of In Ha’s friends, in particular Hye Jung. Even if she is a good friend and despite her unrequited love, what right does she have to behave so proprietarily over In Ha, and even camp in his room overnight just to see whether he returns? I find no basis for her anger.

    Chang Mo is another one. Though he acts as mediator, he did get very angry with In Ha when In Ha confesses his love for Yoon Hee. So everything is fine if In Ha keeps his feelings under wraps and suffer in silence, but In Ha is wrong in standing up for his love?

    In the end, the most magnanimous one is Dong Wook. He gains some sympathy for being betrayed, we understand his hurt and yet at the end, it is against his conscience to keep the truth of Yoon Hee’s sickness from In Ha and tells him… but did In Ha hear that above the noise of the train?

  2. Beautiful! I agree about the stark yet subtle undertones about how actually it’s the strength of the love for their friends that made each willing to sacrifice in his/her own way.

    I wonder how these characters will grow into their old age… how they will face each other after years of separation and how their love will pan out when they meet in 2012. We can roughly guess the children’s love-web, now I’m intrigued about the reactions of the 6 friends in future….

  3. I really love Ep 4. A very emotional episode. It started with them being so happy to be together.

    I can understand Yoon Hee being upset about the diary but i am glad she did not blame In Ha.

    I love the song sang by the trio. Sarang Bi is such a beautiful song and that is a powerful scene. I can see why Yoon Hee is so touched.

    I think friendship can be very beautiful and i am glad Dong Wook actually did forgive In Ha and even encourage In Ha to bring Yoon Hee back and the two remain good friends. I love the train scene when Dong Wook tell In Ha the truth. I was really sad to see In Ha cried in the train scene. Again great acting by our beloved Prince.

    A bit sad that the 70s part are over but i must confess i am looking forward to the new characters. I hope the ratings will get better especially knowing that Sukkie has been filming while being sick.

    I must say i have mixed feelings for Mon. I hate to work but every Mon i will be able to watch Love Rain. ahhhh……

  4. @aphrael77: I agree re: Hye Jung. What she has for In-ha is not true but possessive love; which she will realise in due course does not pay especially when you can’t have the heart of the man you love! As for Chang Mo, I think his anger stems from his love, albeit unrequited, for Hye Jung. Because he loves her, he cannot bear to see her hurt in turn by her own unrequited love for In-ha… sigh! So complicated! would hate to be involved in such an intricate web of love in real life!

  5. I loved this episode and am sad to say goodbye to these characters. I do have a question for anyone that may know, what is the song that everyone in the cafe starts to sing together?

  6. I can’t prevent people from voicing their opinions or from basting with bad comments about this drama. I told myself I don’t care what people said. However, sometimes I couldn’t help but feel hurt when some people basting it without good reasons. Those negative comments make me doubt myself…….why I like this drama so much when many people find it’s boring??…. Am I too biased to the point that I cannot distinct good dramas to bad ones anymore?? ….My mind is running wild with trouble thoughts…… As long as I love it; it’s enough!!!

    Here are some of the reasons why I love this drama…..

    This drama reminded me of childhood’s dreams and first love….yarning for first love to never end…but it had ended anyway. Some people are reminded of painful past; some remembered as sweet nostalgia memories. I love the 70s settings. Every scene is like a beautiful masterpiece painting. I love this sweet drama so much, not just because I’m an eel. It doesn’t matter what’s generation you were born in, if people open their hearts to appreciate this drama a little, they can see its subtle paces fill with beautiful scenery, sweet love songs, and heartbroken love monologues between two hearts experienced its first fluttered beats, and people sure can recall some of the feelings of being in love for the first time (or even first crush experience.)

    This is such an awesome and beautiful romantic drama so far. The whole cast did very well. I couldn’t find anyone being ridiculous mean to one other like I see from some other Kdramas. Everyone just fall in love naturally…thought some fall for someone whose heart already taken. This situation does exist in real life.

    Honestly, I will miss sweet gentle Seo In Ha……. however, life goes on…. “someone’s ending is someone beginning”…..soo excited to meet with Seo Joon……….Kyaa…Weeee!!!

    • Kailey, that’s what I doubt about my opinion too. Am I too biased to look at a drama objectively?
      But frankly speaking, the “general public” wants a fast-paced, exciting, action-packed drama, not many people appreciate slow-paced.
      Lack of action means boring, watching all the different nuances of emotions count for nothing.
      This is a fast-paced generation.

  7. I watched Ep4 this morning. I have read all the spoilers and already knew the story but I was surprised that I watched through the drama without fast forwarding or feeling bored. Shucks, towards the end Sukkie finally got me crying with him!

    Some of my feelings/comments: (1) When In Ha confessed his love to Yoon Hee through the window (after she found out he lied to her about her diary), I fell in love with him! My heart hurt knowing In Ha will disappear soon. (2) This episode arose my curiosity in S.Korean modern history and prompted me to google search on the internet.

    I was never one for melodrama (I am the type who always have my finger on the fast forward button on the remote control!) but I enjoyed Love Rain very much. Sukkie’s acting is so compelling, you don’t want to miss one moment of it. I loved the old songs played in the drama. As a non-Korean, it is very educating for me to learn how the S.Koreans lived and behaved in the 1970s. I so hope Sukkie will receive acting awards for his part in this drama. Love Rain daebak!

      • @ wen and aphrael,

        I fell for In Ha from ep 1 too… and I’m so sad that I can’t see him in ep 5 anymore. i dun think i will feel the same for the ahjussi in ha. I like sukkie in his mushroom head and sweetest shy smile.

      • Kekeke, I don’t like sad movies, I tried to stay remote for the 70s part but finally I succumbed! Now I have mixed feelings for Ep5 – I can’t decide whether I want to see In Ha or his son!

  8. I kind of understand Hye Jun’s feeling, when I thought about her, I did put my feet into her shoes. She was hurt not nly she found out that In Ha likes Yoon Hee, but also she has told Yoon Hee that she as feeling towards In Ha, so she felt she was totally like a idiot when she found out about Yoon Hee and In Ha’s feeling. Of course, it was not right for her to say those things when she passed the diary to Yoon Hee, but I believe she did under great anger and the words she said to In Ha after Yoon Hee left, she said: I love you too, but why I have to be the bad one. I think at that moment she knew she didn’t it wrong but she just couldn’t help herself. I have to say In Ha’s character is really portrait so well as a person who really has a sweetest heart to his love and his friends. I was touched that he said sorry to Hye Jung before their radio concert show. As Andrea said, all the characters of 70s are earthy and genuine. I wish I had that experience at that time, really, pure but noble. I thank to PD Yoon brings such a beautiful story to us. Looking forward to more of Love Rain, Love Rain, a classic, Love Rain fighting.

  9. 各位亲爱的cri,不好意思,刚有时间看完了《love rain》前二集,但这已是违背我初衷的事,一般来讲我只会看更新完的剧噢!因不喜追剧的感觉,但这次例个外吧……,首先我不得不佩服打造此剧的所有人……整个埸景色彩搭配的完美!本用了米色——咖啡色——褚红等同色系;翠绿——草绿——墨绿等层次绿;还有那把著名的黄伞……?导演本身对埸景及道具处理得非常棒!把70年代的(记住是氛围噢)把握得能抓人眼球,以至于整个剧的任何截图都是养眼的……几个演员的表演已经很是到位了,尤其是SUK,表现力很强,看不到以前任何角色的影子,在我眼里,他真的就是那个年代的徐小呆;那时才能有如此隐忍的感情吧!一个简单的情节全部依赖于演员表演的内心戏,好难哟……,而且觉得几个配角也很出彩!当然一部好剧背景音乐也功不可没!先讲到这里,是一部可以用心体会的剧噢!(20120401)
    前二天看了3、4,感动到我了,仁河的纯情……我喜欢,在现有的世界中是否已找不到这种感觉了?谢谢你SUK,你怎能把纯情展现得如此完美?《love rain》好似有让人相信爱的魔力哟! 韩剧的唯美手法一直是我们有目共睹的,我理解每个国度的差距,中剧、美剧、港剧、泰剧等等剧充次荧屏的时代;独韩剧有一种叫文化底蕴的东西可以慢慢地、细细地渗入人心……,尤如文火煲汤……,在3、4中给我印象最最深刻的是几组牵手的埸景!随着情节的推进,让我更加体会到SUK的悟性与感染力,观剧时,我觉得仁河和SUK只是一个人,不会想到他其他多变的部份, 而真正令人动容,这种只消牵一下手就能惊天地、轻吻一下脸即可泣鬼神的浪漫是尹锡湖导演赐予我们最好的礼物,他抓住了我们内心最无力抵抗的东西——不论性别、不论出身、不论年龄每个人心中都留有的纯情……,那几个男2、3女2、3真的太可爱了,男2和女2不知为何,我一点都没觉得讨厌噢,他们的表演也相当到位噢,我觉得在那种情况下有这种反映太正常不过了,男3和女3负责全剧的搞笑部份真的笑到我了吔……,只是我还没看够徐仁河怎么就到现代了?(20120407)

    • 谢谢你的评语 – 亲,写得真好哦~~ ^^ 完全同意,角色的感情表达得很细腻。

      我也很喜欢徐小呆,毕竟能看到SUK 含蓄害羞的机会少之又少,哈哈~ 有点担心徐
      俊的角色有黄太京的影子,希望不会… 只能拭目以待了…

      • Ivy – that’s why I had a good laugh at the beginning to see Sukkie doing such a good job acting clumsily and reserved which is so different to the real him!

      • 谢谢你,我还一直以为这儿没中国人呢,我是误打误撞进来的,请问你这是一个什么地方?我也看了点大概意思,好象是国际cri的俱乐部吗?

    • 翀smile: 你的评语, 我也完全同意~
      还有,当然有中国人在这里。 这提醒了我,我妈愛说,Chinese people are everywhere. (^_^ )
      我好高兴你进来的。 现在你可以认识更多的鳗鱼们。

      • 谢谢你们的评论,写了上面这些我并不想用英文,由于我的英文不太好,总觉得不一定能翻出中文这种意境……其实加入到这儿完全是被一张照片吸引到这里,很神奇!我喜欢这里的感觉!再一次谢谢你们!

    • Smile, I can read traditional Chinese but I can’t type Chinese on my computer. Aphrael started this blog and a lot of international eels like it because it is a place where we can share our love for Jang Geun Suk. An Eels Club International started last year (it’s free) where we can further get to know each other on facebook and I believe there are now members from more than 30 countries. You can find more information about ECI at the top of this blog.

  10. for me Love Rain is such a beautiful drama until this point.. well, still have to see the new generation how they are going to present it and how the story will go on.. in regards with the character of Love Rain in 70’s era, I am loving almost all of them.. of course, especially In Ha.. each and everyone of them portrayed their character well.. no character was annoying ‘coz everything happened with them was due to their circumstances.. nothing really intended.. While watching this drama, the feeling of being in love for the first time I felt again.. simply sweet, it calm my heart and smile on my face on the stolen glance between In Ha and Yoon Hee, trying to hold hand,, a simple gestures of love that cannot be seen nowadays.. even Dong Wook touches my heart that he choose to give weighed the friendship he has with In Ha.. about the anger of Chang Mo to In Ha I agree with Christina.. it is because of his unrequited feelings for Hye Jung.. and @ aphrael what i understand about Hye Jung going to In Ha boarding house is that she still in denial that In Ha and Yoon Hee was together and she wants to confirm it with her own eyes.. I know that Hye Jung was not in the position to get mad to In Ha but i think Hye Jung has three mixed feelings at that time, being insecure why not her but Yoon Hee whereas they know each other longer than Yoon Hee, hurt to her pride and feeling of betrayal from Yoon Hee to whom she shared her secret feelings for In Ha that lead her to act unlogical that at least even in a wrong way he can take revenge with In Ha and Yoon Hee..

    I’m sure I gonna miss this 70’s era.. but i am excited too to see Seo Joon.
    Wishing for the Best for this Drama..
    Love Rain Fighting!!!.

  11. Best sweet drama that I have seen (I don’t particularly like melodrama, 1st ep if it is boring, I will not watch). But I watch Love Rain over and over again cos the whole cast and scenery are fantastic.

    Tell me where to vote for our Prince to win awards when there is one, can?

    Looking forward to Ep 5.

  12. I love Love Rain from the very first episode. Normally I don’t like to start watching dramas that are still airing. I decided to catch ep 1 on the day it’s airing just to see if it’s good. Gosh, I love it so much now I’m waiting for every Monday and Tuesday to watch the next episodes! The whole production is so excellent! Directing, script, score, acting, costumes, cinematography etc all are top quality!

    I read that ratings for Love Rain is very bad. That’s why I decided to leave a message here. This is the first time I come to this web page. My message is not only for JGS but also for the whole production team of Love Rain. Hope all of you can come across this message:

    I truly think you have done a very good job. Thanks for bringing us a high quality production and I look forward to all of your next projects. The ratings for Korea is weird but please don’t lose heart. You have international support from everywhere else. Thank you Love Rain team!

  13. I think when I saw how Dong Wook gave him the letter from Yoon Hee when he was on the train, and even fought his feelings and did the right thing by telling In Ha she was sick and would come back to Korea…
    I finally understood why In Ha said of Dong Wook, that he was a “most precious friend.”
    And it shows the skill of the writer when a character is not all good or all bad… because truly, nobody’s perfect.
    I will miss our young In Ha, but am anxious to see where the story goes now! Bring it on!
    I need more Love Rain! LOL

  14. Gonna miss In Ha.. Love his character as an innocent & pure In Ha so much.. This drama really moved me in tears, even while reading all the comments above. Sob sob..

  15. The Ep4 has made me think a lot…and watch it again and again…I am totally impressed by Keun Suk’s acting…not from the subjective standpoint ~~
    I still don’t understand why in the Love Rain fanboard, someone made a negative comment on Love Rain; however, I hope that Keun Suk and Love Rain team will keep up the good work ~~ Aja jjang

    • Yupple5u, I see many positive support from Japan and China/HK/Taiwan on Love Rain drama as many have feedback this is one of the best drama they have seen for years.. and they can’t really understand what happen to the TV rating problem in Korea as many has feedback that if the drama is shown in their respective country, it will be the highest TV rating ^_^ But the good thing is many have appreciated the drama beyond the TV rating, just enjoy the drama and I can’t wait for the DVD to be released as I will definitely want to keep this drama of the decade…

      • QQ, I think the Koreans may also judge by ep 1!
        so the first few 1970s episodes which have been deemed boring by many has condemned LR’s ratings in Korea…

      • aphrael, I think I have to use my 6th sense again this time that LOVE RAIN will be very popular when it is broadcasted in other countries like Japan & greater China & the rest of Asia.. just like 2 years back when I first watched YAB over internet, I told my sister, this drama & the lead actor (Sukkie) will be very popular due to his unique acting.. actually I didn’t know about Sukkie much then and also didn’t know about YAB rating in Korea.. which I knew only later as it was shown along IRIS which is a big production.. Iike many who went through the 1970s, I myself find Love Rain very refreshing from the usual Kdrama may be from ep 1 to ep 4, I found many familiar things from my childhood & teens and really miss the analog love story… from ep5 onwards, we are moving back to the fast track digital love which many of current generation are familiar with…

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