18 thoughts on “[Fan Account] Team H cafe_20120319”

    • cutegient yups tats Hindi not excetly sanskrit, but well Hindi originated from sanskrit πŸ™‚ ….Thanks Tenshi for sharing this FA & the pics πŸ˜€

  1. Kaori chan, agree with Sarah & Hazy, we feel like we were there with you… Thanks for sharing such a close encounter…

  2. Wow… wonderful account. I agree it feels like we are there with you. Did the cafe seem as quiet as it did in the video? I mean the atmosphere there didn’t seem to be a lot of conversations… was it because people were trying to watch the video?

  3. Thanks, tenshi, you must have had a great time there~! Thanks for sharing with us πŸ™‚

    … I feel like bringing all the posters home, LOL.
    And the Team H special menu is chicken rice! haha, Sukkie really misses chicken rice from Singapore ;p

    how I wish they open a similar cafe in Seoul too~!
    that will be a great place for eels to visit πŸ™‚

  4. Thanks Tenshi for sharing your experience with us. Indeed, it made me feel as if I was there too πŸ™‚

  5. Tenshi chan, thank you so much for sharing your FanAccount. Happy to read that you have a good time and enjoy your trip. I love reading your FA because you don’t leave out much details. Every time, I read your FA, I feel like walk-the-walk with you, and this FA is the same feeling. Kyaaaa…all the GIANT posters of BB and Sukkie are so deliciously HOT.

  6. thanks dear tenshi for making this wonderul fan account of the LH cafe which many of us eels that are unable to be there….

    it must be a blessing chance to be able to eat & drink in this cafe as this is the space to have both Prince & BB surrounding you the whole 1 eating hour & 2 waiting hours..

    its totally worth it i must say…..

    thanks once again for this & im totally enjoying as though im there personally ^^

  7. Tenshi Sis where is this cafe?? Was this a promotion event for Lounge H album in Japan?? Oh I had read it somewhere before that suk ran a cafe for promoting his album with Ha Seok Jin.. Is this the one??
    But the cafe’s name It’s written in Hindi there, actually Sanskrit (Indian languages)!!!!
    Oh i m so so happy n excited now.. Luckily got this article today..


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