4 thoughts on “YMP Korean official site is open”

  1. Aphrael, Thanx for sharing! I love them! But the Korean language is killing me!!! Isn’t it so difficult for them to use English?! Can’t do anything, just enjoying the pix!

    • @Miracle, i share your sentiments. the Korean language can be frustrating at times. and google translate doesn‘t even help! LOL! i really wish they could also write in English so fans overseas can understand and enjoy what they write about. 🙂

      aphrael, thanks so much for sharing. you are heaven sent! i always get updated on news about sukkie through your blog. keep it up!

      • same here ! it’s really frustrating to always depond on the kindness of someone .although they certainely hope for an international media coverage , they don’t make the effort to write in both korean and english so that eveyone can enjoy it .
        luckilly for us , you are always willing to translate , so thanks a lot

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