Credits: Sukbar
Sukbar news – On 12 May 2011, Japan Music Album Association (rough translation) has awarded Gold to JKS’ “Let me cry” album for exceeding 100,000 albums in sales for the month of April 2011.
张根硕贴吧官方微博:【消息】张根硕首张专辑《let me cry》获日本唱片协会金唱片认定!日本唱片协会12日发表了2011年4月度各专辑及单曲销量榜,其中《let me cry》在邦盘-单曲分类榜中获得金唱片级认定。(注:金唱片指有效销量突破10万的唱片。)
Congrats Prince J. Your hard work are rewarded. Eels are very happy to hear the
greatest news. Hope you have a continuous success in your career.
do JKS personally recieved the award?????
very good! *Ler*
Uri Wanjeon Prince J ^O^/
well done Sukkie!!