Friend: What happened on a fiery night in Paris? k k
JKS: The midnight sun in Paris -_- Damn..
“@Joosuc78: 프랑스의 불타는 밤은 어떸된거야 ㅋㅋ ㅡ 여기 백야야-_-젠장..
Whoa.. It was started from here…
후아…여기부터 시작이었지…
RT: @ planet_dream
tenshi_akuma’s note: This website will officially open on July 20th.
JKS: The only advertiser who uses me for free… Kim Rok….
Kim Rok: I love you. “Do a good thing!” Hahahahaha
“@AsiaPrince_JKS: http://vimeo.com/45304602 유일하게 날 무료로 썼던 광고주…김록….” 사랑한다. “좋은 일이니까” 하하하하하
Yesterday I went to the hottest club in Paris and realized as long as I enjoy myself fully, no matter where it is… I’ll be able to take center stage… I’m not under dogs, Dogs are under me.. Uh… I had a headache..
I won’t be behind a dog, the one behind me is dog.. ah.. headache..
어제 파리에서 가장 핫하다는 클럽을 가서 느꼈다..역시 잘 놀고 제일 씐나게 즐기면 어디서나…주인공 된다….개 다음에 내가 아니라 나 다음에 개다..쿄쿄쿄 아 머리아퍼..
You’re a dog..
@AsiaPrince_JKS 너가 개다…
This is not what I want to eat for breakfast…
내가 원하는 아침은 이게 아니여…
I’m going to eat out, but can’t waste time.. Self PR is important… Can you see? Made in Korea!!
밥먹으러 나갈건데 시간을 허비 할수 없다.. 자기 PR은 중요해…보이는가 Made in Korea!!
She seems to rejoice so much.. She is saying “Happy!” a lot to her staff, walking around with the boast.. I’m going to town~
와방 좋아하네.. 해피를 연발하며 자기직원들에게 자랑 하면서 돌아다닌다..난 거리로~
I exchanged my CD for Mac.. McDonald macaroons….
맥..맥도날드 마카롱과 바꾼 내 cd….
Hello Taiwan~~~ This album was all made in Korea. That’s why I call it made in Korea ^^^^^
안녕 타이완~~~ 이 앨범은 전부 한국에서 만든거니까 made in Korea 라는거야 ^^^^^
I’m passionately singing “Rain” while walking…!!
걸어다니며 rain열창중…!!
I should have brought my guitar with me… why I didn’t …
대체 기타를 왜 안가져왔을까…
They said they were my fans again and again, so I was trying to take a photo with them and took their mobile phone and found their wallpapers are Kim HeeChul and Lee Hong-Gi.. What is this…-_- ?
하도 팬이라길래 사진 찍어 주려고 전화기 달랬더니 배경화면은 김희철과 이홍기.. 뭐냐 이거…-_-
To reporters in Seoul, I’m going to scream “New York Herald Tribune” with a bottle of wine in one hand and with a newspaper in the other tonight. I’d like you to report it as speedily as possible! Don’t fall asleep!
서울에 계신 기자님들 제가 오늘 밤에 한손에는 와인병을 한손에는신문지를 들고 뉴욕 헤럴드 트리뷴을 외칠건데 기사 스피디하게 써주셔야 합니다! 잠들지 말아욧!
JKS did it! DAEBAK~! “New York Herald Tribune~~!”
Hurry Media report it!!!! HAHA 😛
He is very crazy when he plays around……..hahaha
You’re such a FASCINATING person! keep it up continue to inspire people around you!
He is so funny, LOL!