[2015-05-10] @spanmizumoto twitter

Jang Keun Suk’s concert ended!! I heard he calls female fans ‘eels(UNAGI)’ and male fans ‘male eels(UNAO)’. I became a male eel (UNAO) all at once. I’ve become a big fan of him! I even visited his back stage. He’s really a nice guy.
チャングンソクさんのLIVE終了!! ファンの女性の肩を「うなぎ」。 男性の肩を「うなお」と呼ばれるみたいでして、 一気に「うなお」になりました。 大ファンになりました! 楽屋にもお邪魔しました。 素敵な肩でした。

tenshi_akuma’s note: He seems a Japanese comedian, but honestly I don’t know him. He was invited JKS show by his acquaintance.

[2015-05-10] @Galssam2 twitter

Today’s concert reached the peak!!
Everyone, thank you for having fun with us.
#JKS #WeziN #band team #KOBE #CRISHOW3 end

오늘 콘서트는 즐거움에 끝판왕!!
모두들 즐기느라 수고하셨습니다 www
#JKS #WeziN #밴드팀 #KOBE #CRISHOW3 끝