The reason why Keun-chan became happy yesterday was he brought a water gun out of nowhere and attacked the staff. kk He is truly a sadistic Keun-chan. kk While following nimble Keun-chan and taking pictures, I feel like joining sports festival. kk The right picture is Prince putting some water in a water gun!
어제 근짱이 신난 이유는 어디선가 갑자기 물총을 가져와서 스텝들 공격 ㅋㅋ 역시 도에스 근짱ㅋㅋ 덕분에 재빠른 근짱 따라다니면서 사진을 찍었더니, 체육대회한거 같은 몸 ㅋㅋ 오른쪽 사진은 물담는 프린스!
Let’s have a good show today as well, Keun-chan ^^
今日もよろしくお願いします。グンチャン^ ^
The second day of Fukuoka rehearsal
후쿠오카 둘째날 리허설
Angel appears.
천사 등장
Please enjoy today’s show. by Gon-Gyaru
今日の公演もお楽しみ下さい。by ゴンギャル
I like beautiful women. But… what do you think??
미인을 좋아하지만. 이건 좀… 어때요??
Gon-Gyaru seems to love this picture ^^
건갸르는 이사진이 좋대요^^
Let me introduce my girl friend~!!! Uahhaaaaha huhuhu
제 여자친구를 소개 하겠습니다~!!! 으악아아아악아ㅎㅎㅎ
The second day of Fukuoka starts! Let’s keep running today! Today it seems to update in real time, but eels, please support him even on site and off-line!!!
후쿠오카 둘째날 스타트! 오늘도 달려봅시다! 오늘은 실시간이 거의 힘들듯, 그래도 장어분들 온/오프라인으로 열띤 응원해주세요!!!
He showed us everything he can today as well. Prince, thanks for your hard work! After the encore, he had trouble breathing and all his shoelaces came loose. T_T
오늘도 모든것을 다 보여준, 프린스 수고많았어요! 앵콜하고오니, 호흡기에 운동화끈도 다 풀렸다 ㅠㅡㅠ
121007 FUKUOKA ㅡ Opening video started at 17:01 and ending video finished at 19:52. - 2 hours and 51 minutes. It’s really great!
121007 FUKUOKA ㅡ 오프닝 영상 시작 17:01 엔딩 스크롤 끝 19:52 ㅡ 2시간 51분 本当に最高だった!
The performance in Fukuoka finished well T_T I’m happy because of Keun-chan and eels.
후쿠오카도 잘 끝났슴다 ㅠ 근짱과 장어들 덕분에 행복합니다 ㅠㅡ
Today Prince walked off the stage and gave an eel a kiss on hand. I envy the eel. chu chu
오늘 프린스가 무대 밑으로 내려가서, 손키쓰를 직접 선사, 그 장어분 부럽습니다 ㅜㅡ 춥춥
Today Prince gave Mr. Chikubi (Nipple) a present related to nipples. kk They appreciated it. kk
오늘은 치쿠비상에게 프린스가 치쿠비를 선물 ㅋㅋ 맛있게 잘 먹었슴다 ㅋㅋ
tenshi_akuma’s note: Prince gave Mr. Chikubi (Nipple) a “boobs pudding” given by Japanese eel on the stage. Here is the image of boobs pudding.
Mexican waves with eels always makes me nervous! thrilled?
장어들과의 파도타기는 언제나 두근두근! 와키와키?
Fukuoka Hero
A block 8 row 56 number
A 8열 56번
tenshi_akuma’s note: During the rehearsal, Sukkis sat on the seat to see how the stage is looked from behind the venue. Here is the seating chart.
Well done to our team! As the show continues repeatedly, they must got exhausted a lot, but they are always cheerful! Let’s eat a lot!!!
우리팀들 정말 수고하셨습니다! 회를 거듭하는 공연에, 많이 지칠텐데, 항상 밝은 우리 스텝들! 자~ 많이 먹자규!!!
We enjoyed ourselves a lot today as well!! Fukuoka cri-show. Everyone, well done~~!!
오늘도 열심히 즐겼다!! 후쿠오카 cri-show. 모든분들 오츠카레사마데스~~!!
Mr. Chikubi, please eat a lot kkk
치쿠비상, 많이 드세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
A great star born in Fukuoka, Mr. Chikubi
후쿠오카가 낳은 최고의 스타 ㅊㅋㅂ
People who worked hard, let’s eat!
열심히 일한자들이여, 먹자!
Pleasant Fukuoka! ㅡ (below the line, from the left) Captain Kim Yonghyun, Me, Cherry-chan (above, from the left) min-chan, Chikubi-chan ㅡ In fact, Chikubi-chan is a captain of choreography team (male team leader) ㅡ
즐거운 후쿠오카! ㅡ (아래줄, 왼쪽부터) 김용현단장님, 나, 채리짱 (윗줄, 왼쪽부터) 민짱, 치쿠비짱 ㅡ 사실 치쿠비짱은 안무팀 팀장(남성팀 리더) ㅡ
When the dinner started, Keun-chan first passed a microphone to Director ㅡ Director Kim Seo ryong made a speech that he has directed some shows for 20 years… but not sure because I’m getting old, I sometimes feel touched during the show.
회식을 시작하며 감독님께 가장 먼저 마이크를 넘긴 근짱 ㅡ 김서룡 감독님께서는 “20년 동안 연출을 했지만… 나이가 들어서인지는 몰라도 공연 도중에 뭉클할 때가 있다” 라는 말씀을 하셨다-
He is a great director who is always all ears to his relative stage writer. ㅡ He is a great artist who does his best no matter what the circumstances. ㅡ I love the two.
조카뻘인 작가의 말을 귀기울여 들어주시는 최고의 감독님 ㅡ 어떤 상황에도 베스트를 해내는 최고의 아티스트 ㅡ 내가 너무 좋아하는 두 사람 ㅡ
Thanks tenshi for your great input from beginning till end of concert. Love reading all these with all the funny pictures
Congratulations uri Prince for another 2 successful show in Fukuoka. Please rest well for your next cri show in SZ! Fighting ‘!!