Author: Aya4812 from ECI
It´s still early moring here 7:30. Found a free PC in the lobby, it’s much easier here than writing on Handy xD
Yesterday I was early at the airport and thanks to Sabina waiting time flew by fast. Only half an hour before his plane was landing I found other eels. Then eels seemed to pop out of nowhere and suddenly we were 10. There were also a few Asian looking eels. The representative spoke with us and someone made a photo with us, but don’t know where the photo will be used.
When Sukkie came out of the Terminal he went really fast through the airport, to escape to the bus xD
He seemed really surprised that there are so many eels waiting for him. Though he seemed really tired he waved to us and smiled^^ He looked so cute He had the hood of the coat put over his head in the bus and hid his face between the front seast only to look at the us in the next second again.
When the bus departed, the korean representative said to us he will come again in 10 minutes, because other staff members had to enter too. The eels who stayed are the eels on Cherrys twitter photo.
When the bus came back we first couldn’t see Sukkie only Cherry, guess he lied down on the seats or something. After a while he showed his face, greeted us and smiled. We waited patiently, some made photos and then the door of the bus opend and Sukkie stood up and came to the door. He asked us how we knew his flight details^^ We asked him for autographs and he agreed. He sat down in the bus on the steps leading in.
I was lucky because I was near the door, he had not time to give everyone an autograph. When he began signing all eels came to the door and suddenly there was Gunsama standing beside me (I´m not so sure about his staff yet, but from your messages I conclude it was him) He said that now no photos allowed.
Then I gave him my Just Crazy CD. He looked surprised and while opening it and taking out the cover he asked where I get it from? I said from Internet and he meant then: wow, it’s a great world. After signing I said thank you in korean and let other eels to the front. By the way his skin looks really soft, kind of screaming to others: Come and touch me, poor guy xD
His English sounds pretty good. Truly world prince^^
Someone asked the representative who was waiting next to the bus door, how long he will stay in Berlin. She answered he will be in Berlin for four days, and Friday leaving. An other eels gave him a card from a restaurant in Berlin and asked him to come there. He said yes, why not. I’m not sure about the restauranr name, began with a M.
When the staff was in the bus (why were there so many?) he went back in and waved good bye to us. Then the bus departed.
It´s getting too much text for this PC^^ Hope you like it. I will never forget this day Thank you all for your support, without ECI this wouldn´t have been possible^^
Our friendly neibourhood World Prince never fail to charm anyone worldwide!
Thanks Aya for the fan account & Tenshi for posting it! You gals make our day!
Best wishes to Prince photo shoot and may you hv a Fantastic time there! ^_^
He looks so tired but he is always there for his fans. Hope that you will still get to see him in Berlin again soon.
Oh lucky you (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
I enjoyed reading , felt like am with u xD .
Really i wish to see him in real once T^T
Even if it was imposible to me TT.TT
I hope, prince come to my country oneday
waiting to that day!
Thank you so much for sharing your fan account. He truly is a World Prince. Despite being tired he gave some of his time for his fans and is always gracious. That is why we all love him so much. And thanks to the German Eels that was so kind to give him his space and not push for his attention. That is what I have learned from following him.. if you respect him and his space he will make an effort to give back to his fans. Which is why I’m sad whenever I read stories about fans that push and shove to get his attention when all they have to do is be patient and let him know you love and support him. So thanks again for this lovely fan account and memory. Hopefully it won’t be a once in a lifetime experience. I still dream of the day that he comes to the US and even better if I am privileged for him to come to DC. I really do wish he were to be invited by the Korean Embassy here in the US for some kind of event and I would somehow find out about it and attend. He makes me love him every day.
谢谢分享哦~~好喜欢 > <
another eel story that i would envy
nevertheless im so happy for those who are able to see our PRINCE in person…its an experience that will surely be treasured for life ! the prince proved again how much he love his eels…i love you even more !
Tenshi- you do such a wonderful job on updates about Prince JKS.
As soon as i have time i find myself looking for your updates.
I’m a grandma and got hooked on JKS and PSH after watching You’re Beautiful.
Since April, all i do in my free time is research about them way back to 2009.
So i have a pretty good picture about their history.
I am a traveller and have been to Seoul, ten years ago.
Can you tell me how to get tickets to a concert?
How could i be more involved? I am not Korean but have picked up a few words.
I have Korean friends and will be visiting Korean town here in Toronto, to check out if we have a fan club here. Your guidance on how to be more involved would be highly appreciated. God Bless you all.
Anne, this blog has all the updated information you need on JKS and his concerts and how to buy tickets. Check on the previous posts. Shows in every country is different. In Japan, it’s hard to get tickets and are put in a draw. In other countries, tickets are available on internet but some might only accept local credit cards. The next show you have a good chance in getting tickets is in Chenzhen, China. I think you need local credit card otherwise see if you can find someone you know who can help you get the tickets in China or Hong kong.
Have you noticed at the top of this blog, there is a heading ‘Eels Club International’? This is a private club with members from over 40 countries including Canada. See if you’re interested.
JKS also has Apps, one is free called Apps Lite and the other one you have to pay about US$8. In there, there is fan cafe where eels can chat in Korea, Japanese, Chinese, English or other. Instructions how to download can be found in this blog, check old posts say around Sep or Nov 2011.
JKS has official fan club in Japan and Korea. japan one only open to people who live in Japan. Membership for Korean FC is closed for this year, will have to wait for next year. Keep checking information here on this blog. Do you use Weibo and can you read Chinese? If so, there is official weibo site for JKS as well.
Hope this helps.
Dear Wen, for your information. I’m also interested in going to one of his shows or concerts and joining JKS fanclub. Only through this blog I can get a lot of news and information. I can’t read Chinese, just a little bit of Korean and Japanese ,so it’s quite difficult for me to keep JKS news update elsewhere..
Dear Anne, we might be of the same generation as you said you’re “a grandma”
Awesome FA!!! This is my favorite of all time!!! Never had I felt this excited about reading a FA. Thanks to this super lucky and loyal German eel, we were all able to be transported to the Berlin airport to welcome Sukkie!! I feel as if I had been there in person! Thanks for sharing this FA!! Truly awesome!
I’m very impressed with the investigative skills of the ECI investigators!! Eels, do you realize what this means? This successful mission means that we are able to organize a welcoming to our Prince at any country he travels too! ECI has members from over 40 (maybe even 50 now) countries. Wherever Sukkie goes, we’ll be able to be there to welcome him and show him how much we love him! YEY!! How amazing is this!! I’m happy beyond my heart’s capability of containment!!
ZIKZIN EELS!!! Way to go ECI!!!!