UPDATE: The meaning of ‘President in pants’
President……. not the one in pants kkkkk
사장…….바지사장아님 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
tenshi_akuma’s note: President in pants was Jang Keun Suk himself! He enjoyed ”Let’s pretend I’m President” the other day. See [13.08.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & staff twitter And the man in this photo is Hyunduk, a real president (owner) of restaurant “COLA mercato”. In Korea, the person who just gives his name to a company as President and accepts payment without practice is called ‘President in pants’. If some scandals occur, this fake (name-lending) President have to take responsibilites for the company.
now, I get IT…
I heard the real meaning of ‘President in pants’. So I updated the info on jksforever. I thought just Sukkie’s pants are always impressive, recently he is wearing shorter one (we can see his slim ankles). And in this photo, the T-shirts is very impressive. So I think we can call him ‘President in T-shirts’. But I was wrong. ‘President in pants’ means fake President, and it’s Sukkie he pretend to be was right. But it was a Korean slang.
Thanks for the info, tenshi!
now i’m learning new things from you and Sukkie especially Korean idiomatic expression.
Thanks Tenshie! Now I get it.