Month: May 2017
[News] Jang Keun Suk , a talk over drinks in Japan “Dating with a star?” Just never get caught
Original source:
English translation: Zoe from ECI
Jang Keun Suk appeared on a TV-show in Japan.
Japanese media such as Cinema Cafe, Sponichi and so on reported on the 27th (May) that Jang Keun Suk appeared on Fuji’s variety TV show ‘Downtown Now’ that was aired on 26th. In this show the great Japanese comedy duo ‘Downtown’ meet guests and talk over drinks with them.
[2017-05-27] Jang Keun Suk Instagram
#lezgo #tonight #dootadutyfree
tenshi_akuma’s note: Here’s the song:
[2017-05-26] CRI-J twitter
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