14 thoughts on “[07.02.2012] Twitter from Zo Sun Hi”

      • maybe we should post some of “original” pics from ECI here too??? aphrael, what do u think??? …kekeke

      • Lol! I said “original” pix not PSed! …Lets post the one with the BEST quality since it’s public place we should show only “real” pics not “fake” ones!… So who remembers whose photo was the MOST NATURAL with happy smiling face and with “HIGH QUALITY”???…personally i think it was Farina’s! So Aphrael, in my opinion, it’ll be fair if u upload her picture!

        …and one more thing….Farina since when u’ve got right to give permission to upload my picture huh???

      • Well, since I was appointed President of ECI? Lol!!! And as Pressie, I can over-rule yr rqst! :)))

        Wait, what about Charlotte?!! There’s also the latest: HAZY’s!!!!

  1. Thanks Kaori Chan, you know I just stare at the second one on Sukkie’s face for a long time, I love that one, and of course, in my eyes, lady Zo Sun Hi is not exist, sorry Ms. Zo, you’re lovely, but being so close to my Prince, then you are there because he is too bright. lol.

  2. Thanks for posting the pics, Tenshi. Please continue to post pics, vids and anything related to Sukkie ^^ as not every Eel has access to twitter, FB, his apps …


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