19 thoughts on “[PrinceJKS Youtube] Happy New Year from JangKeunSuk”

  1. my goodness, JKS is so sincere in wishing fans Happy New Year in 12 languages! looks like he’s becoming quite an expert in languages!

  2. love to hear he greets indonesian eels
    his pronounce “Selamat Tahun Baru” is precise… daebakk!
    who teach him? ^^

  3. Wow i am truly impressed that he can wish Happy New Year in so many languages! and happy there is English subs!! šŸ™‚ It goes to show his sincerity in wanting to be closer to his eels around the world! Thank you WORLD PRINCE! May you dream come true in 2012!! šŸ™‚

  4. Agree with you Hazy:)!! read in Korea.com that his greetings included japanese, Chinese and Indian!!!….. was xcited than but didn’t hear him speak Hindi šŸ™ !!!….may be next time Sukkie !!!! Wish for him a happy and prosperous new year……Love you!!

  5. I loved this last night and I love it again. He looks so happy and relaxed! I haven’t seen much activity so hopefully he’s been taking time off to be with family and friends during the holidays. I can’t wait until I hear news about his upcoming activities. So sorry I haven’t been here last few days. I was spending time with family over the holidays and spending a lot of time on the FBECI which is naughty of me I know. šŸ™‚

  6. though he did not greet us in our native language (Filipino) I still love you Prince..That was a sweet gesture…\\^_^//.. Have a wonderful New Year Everybody and to Prince Jang Keun Suk,,I wish you good health and happiness..Saranghae Sukkie!!!

  7. Happy New Year to you JGS ssi! God bless! Be happy. You’re a very good actor and singer. Love your voice and your songs. Keep it coming.

  8. Happy new year for you too Dear Prince … Thanks for great effort to speak Indonesia ..love to hear that ^o^

  9. Prince, wishing you a bright and successful 2012! Thank you for lighting up my life.
    Happy New Year to all Eels on this blog and the world over.

  10. Jang Keun Suk I LOVE YOU!!!
    u have kept me sane when i was at the deepest pit during 2011…hoping u wil continue it in 2012 too..

  11. [ jang Keun Suk I LOVE YOU!!!
    u have kept me sane when i was at the deepest pit during 2011ā€¦hoping u wil continue it in 2012 too..
    I LOVE YOU! ]


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