At this arena tour, JKS has refused eels’ offer of gifts. Instead, he asks us to donate some money to the victims of March 11. He prepared the message card for people who donated.
*The message written in the card: “The bond”
Let’s take each other’s hands and live with energy. Pray for Japan!
For more pics,
These pics are uploaded on Twitter by one of the Korean dancer (@yamakwj) who performs with JKS at the arena tour. Probably these pics below were taken after the rehearsal.
And this was one of JKS’ costume at the show. He looked like an devil! he he he…
Wow! I love the message card!!! Very beautiful photo!!!
I love the message…very touching
Love the picture and the message. He has a big heart!
i agree,,his message melted my heart..oohhh,,he is so loving,how could I ever resist him..I feel better now co’z yesterday I am so down when he said in his twitter that he might stop tweeting co’z he’s getting bored w/ twitter..I’m hoping that it is just a trap,and he won’t do it..^_^
charlotte, you have fallen into Sukkie’s trap ^_^ as from the tone of the message… Sukkie is teasing his eels and also he wants to promote more to use his apps so he intentionally said that he is “bored” with Twitter heee.. try reading his message again & you may feel differently ^_^
great message and nice picture but the ones with the group coincide better with it .
Footage of above:
Thanks so much Farina!
Ahhh… JKS looks so fine and sexy. :D. Love it.
Thanks Farina, I watched the same vid with Chinese sub, I love his interact with the audience, he is so charming, if I’m at the site, I may cry like the Japanese eels, I read some fan account, some fans really got so emotional when Sukkie get close from stage, so Sukkie was giving kind of caring look when he was performing to make fans feel better. He is such a person so considerate to others. Really sweet. And this time instead of to ask eels on site to “only look at me”, he said in Japanese slang talk as husband to wife. Lol, oh lord, I know how this will turn on the Japanese eels. In the TV program, one guest star if one of my favorite female Korean start Kim Tae Hee, (My Princess). She is shooting a TV program in Japan now I think that’s why they put her on. She thinks Sukkie is very charming, and said she has watched his works. Now I feel even more sad that I couldn’t be on site. I don’t know what idea to change the hair like that, but the theme is that he is prince through the show, I think if you are on site, you would know more about his choice for the hair.
forgot to mention, he was perform very hard, he was sweaty, he threw like 6,7 sweaty towels to the audience. Lord, those eels who got towels had to think how to keep the “sweat” Lol. Too funny.
I know… the hair was kinda strange…..if the whole head was blonde perhaps it wld be better
but who cares… Lol!! Why don’t you share the link with Chinese subs for the benefit of those who can read it? Then we can wait for either Aphrael or Kaori-chan to sub in Eng
Thanks in advance to them…. Hehehe!!
Oh and are the fan accounts in English? Can share links too so we all can get an insight of the Arena Tour
here you go!
Those fan account is on weibo.
The above fan account credit to neineilove from weibo.
Farina Happy now?
Lol!!! Of course!! Thanks!!
haha, just realize one of the scene that one of the person was holding a big scissors try to cut his blonde hair. Lol. Wish after the tour we can hear more about the stage theme, story line and performance report.
Dear eels.. here are some more vids uploaded by Japanese eels..
I like the musical theme as we can see the work of Sukkie as actor/singer and other talents (e.g. directing) all in one show! ^_^
Thanks sukkiefanNC for sharing the fan account. I cannot read Chinese…however, thanks to Uncle google, I’m able to understand the story a little. So sweet and touched…
aphrael, this is one vid which can be posted & share with all the eels in this blog to keep ^_^ don’t faint huh! I saw in BaiduSukbar before & glad that Russian eel has posted in YouTube..
the wink, the tongue, they hand, the flying kiss, the smile, the voice, the eyes… so many traps, save me, Sukkie, save me. Lol! Am i sound crazy here?
don’t worry I am also crazy like you,hahahaha..
Thanks QQeyes,….love…love…. my poor heart cannot stop beating fast!!! I’m fainting as of now. love the song too, one of my favorites.
Awwwwww!!!!! It feels like he’s winking to me! Lol!!!! Thanks QQ! I’ll treasure it!
Ahhh! Replaying his wink and smile over and over!!! Can’t get enough of him!!!
Girls, thank u for posting such lovely vids!!!
Thanks QQeyes. You’re indeed our Youtube queen here. After seeing the video footage, my first thought is…. Wowwww…the show looks unique and fun…fun…. Sukkie must be very sick…because his voice sounds hoarse a little. Omo…omo…what’s the hair??? at first glance, I think his hairstyle is very strange too….. but as long as it’s fit the theme of his show, I can happily overlook it. Hehehehe… in my eyes, Sukkie cannot do no wrong. Super eel bias here!!!! However, for non-eels, every time they see JKS, they just cannot look beyond his hairstyle and outfits, and presume all kinds of bad judgment of him. To bad, they cannot see how sweet and caring person he is. *sigh *
Fighting Sukkie, eels will stand by you forever.
So many great videos! I been wondering about some of the things I see today but haven’t been following as dedicatedly as usual cause I am sick. I hope he is not getting sick but the hoarseness I hear in videos is from him running around maybe? Yes? He seemed happy afterwards in the little app video he made singing in the bus/van to Osaka.
Just a fun mention though. I am going on vacation soon and I was checking out one of the locations I am going and there was a restaurant recommended that has authentic Japanese cuisine. Actually the only thing good mention about the restaurant is food (said service was bad but I just think that people were disrespecting the staff IMO). I am going to try Eel for the first time!
Andrea, do take care & get well soon! you are going for holiday so make sure you take enough rest to recover before your trip! Yeah, I’m worried about Sukkie’s schedule too as today & tomorrow, he has 2 shows consecutively at Osaka.. I hope he can take a good rest after all these.. and the worst thing is now is the season for cold & flu… hope I don’t see him in that flu mask this time ^_^
you must try andrea,,eel is delicious..^_^
QQeyes007: Thanks should be okay. I was really sick last year at this time when I went to Italy but I didn’t let it stop me. And apparently Italy loved me because it stopped raining the 4 days I was there! I also hope Sukkie gets some rest. He didn’t tweet or app update so maybe he’s concentrating on his activities. Plus he won’t be traveling so more opportunities for rest. Yes? Good thing he gives up wine and other alcohol for these days because I know how I get with my throat so I can just imagine how he would get with the constant stress on his vocals.
Charlotte, I’m looking forward to it. I know a lot of places locally serve Eel but its hard for me to get out because of taking care of my mom and she’s not an adventurous eater so I can’t take her to a Japanese or Korean restaurant. Her idea of Asian food is Lo Mein noodles or Chicken Chow Mein for take-out *head thump desk*.
Thanks tenshi_a, farina, sukkiefan, QQeye and dear friends to share all the vids above, although those were almost the repeating vids but i still keep watching it, his kindness to promote donation to japan touched me.. his blonde hair didn’t affect his sweet smile and appearance, the lotte duty free..even the vids were almost about 3 months ago, but it still fresh and yummy! Go sukkie!
@Tenshi_a, Good Luck for your study abroad! Hopefully you don’t stop sending the news in this blog, if possible
Wow..once again our prince have conjure all the eels around the world. He fulfilled his promise to give an awsome performance to his eels, and for me I’m glad enough to update all his show here..thanx to apharael,tenshi,QQeyes,and all of you who have shared some cuts of the show, love you so much ,guys…^_^ Btw, some of you’re curious about Yuri who’s mentioned at sukkie twit yesterday,right? I don’t know whether my info is authentic or no,but I think he is one of sukkie’s personal assistant or maybe his wardrobe staff, coz he called the name Yuri in the shoot of MMM. Maybe all of you have watched the video of MMM Behind The Scene, where Moo Gyul changing clothes and Mary closed her eyes by hands,but unfortunatelly Sukkie can’t pull of his hands out of the clothes, then he shouted out ” Yuri ah..Yuri ah…” Here is the vid to remind you all…
Yeah, i remember that part of MMM! But it seemed to me as if he was shouting “Julia! Julia!” …kekeke…mis-heard^^
Oh yes, hv u guys watched My name is Kim Sam Soon? (another fav of mine)… Recently I did an encore of the drama & discovered that the one playing Samsoon’s elder sister is Mukyul’s mom!
Yeah.. love that Samsoon… LOL… I actually watch that after seeing Secret Garden and Hyun Bin look so different in the 2 shows. Amazing how different people look with different roles. The Sukkie in Beethover Virus is so different from the Sukkie in M3 and now the pictures that come out for Love Rain again so different. I love his range. I just started watching Hong Gil Dong today (its still Saturday morning for me) but haven’t gotten to when his character shows up and I have to run my mom on errands so I will be resuming later. LOL Gotta get my JKS fix somehow since he hasn’t started tweeting or updating the app. He’s teasing us I think.
Andrea, when I watched HGD last time, I knew about the lead actor… but when I watched till one episode when Sukkie appeared.. OMG, everytime when I watch the drama, my eyes only look at the 2nd lead as I can’t describe why as I keep asking myself how come I never see this actor before, is he new? why his acting so good & I never heard of him before? In HGD.. Sukkie has the prince with hatred look most of the time & you will only see him smiles after he falls for the common girl (played by Yuri).. and Sukkie’s crying scene in this drama is the best I have seen for actors…
Actually, I did not know about Keun Suk until I saw him in HGD … he was so handsome as Prince Changhwi … throughout the entire drama, I just waited for Suk’s scenes to watch his awesome acting … I feel that he was also the lead actor sharing the screen with KJH ^^
thanks Apherael,QQeyes n Tenshi for this wonderful blog i learn a lot abt suk keep updating us
Hi all,
I am selling some JKS official merchandise. Please visit this site ( for more details! Prices are negotiable.
Also, you may contact me at
Thank you!
hi @tutukuehz,can I ask a you a question regarding JKS merchandise.I have not order any of his goods that is why I want to know how.For example I want to purchase some items in his OFC website,,are they going to send it to me?I am from Philippines but now working here in Bahrain..can you please help me,I want to collect items related to Prince..Thank You!!
Hi Charlotte,
So you’ll need to find someone to help you ship the items from Korea to Phillipines. Hope I’ve helped 
As far as i know, they only ship the items from his official website within Korea.
Farina, yup.. I like the drama “My Name is Kim Sam Soon”, one of my favourite which I can complete the whole drama, that is one drama which I first saw Hyun Bin. Though the lady actress is not the usual beautiful actress, I like her acting there, very funny with Hyun Bin ^_^
QQ, yes, Kim Sum Ah in the leading actress for Sum Soon, she is my favorite Korean actress. If you watched City Hall, that’s he another great drama. Of course with sexy and gorgerous Cha Sung Won. Sorry, Prince Sukkie, you’re still No 1 in my h heart
Anyway, I feel the same way for Sukkie’s acting when I watch his drama. Andrea, I hope you have a great trip and nice vacation. I just bought Android app on my phone, I will see what I get.
Here is one vid Sukkie talked about he went up to stage to gave his master KHN when she got best actress award. There is a part BTS that the reporter asked him why he came to the award show today, he said: Can I be honest? I didn’t get any invitation, but I heard KHN noona is the candidate for best actress, I run here by myself after my class, I come to deliver the flowers for her. If she doesn’t get the reward and it’s time for eat some pork belly with some soju, hahaha. He is so funny.
sukkiefanNC , thanks for the vid link with Chinese Sub.. the last part also very funny as when the reporter asked KHN about her feeling, she said she missed her dad & mum and ….. before she completed her sentence.. Sukkie appeared from behind & said “me, me…” pointing to himself, I’m laughing at his action! The reporter then asked Sukkie is he likes KHN.. he denied & both moved away ^_^
I figured this is what happened based on timeline of the day (can you tell I follow Sukkie obsessively?! Eeks) and probably why he was wearing such ill fitting clothes. But I don’t care, he looks awesome regardless of what he wears.
I bought the app too… and printed out a chart of hangul letters LOL So I am going to try to learn to translate on my own or hope that someone else translates. Funny how this place is becoming my 2nd home.
Oh my..he was so cute there,thanx sukkifanNC and QQeyes for making us see all we don’t know before, how cute his action behind the stage hihi..^_^ . Btw, for me my first drama of sukkie was YAB. Then, when I realized I already fell in love with this gorgeous guy and started to hunt all his movie and drama. Found DoReMi and Hwang Jin Yi where he looked so cute and childish ( and in fact after the death of Kim Eun Ho I stopped watching Hwang Jin Yi, no sukkie no more watching hihi..). The hunting continued, I found Beethoven Virus ooh..he was so manly hot there, then Baby And I haha…how come a 21 year old guy still fit on a highschool student role?? Then I found HGD and oh my god..I trapped deeper by the charm of Prince Chang Hui. Next I downloaded Happy Life and The Longest 24 months (coz I can’t find the vid in any store), two others different roles. And then Itaewon Homicide, the hottest criminal I’ve ever seen! For Alien Sam (Alien Teacher), Nonstop 4, Lovers in Prague and other drama before 2006 I can only watch the cuts in youtube. Then MMM…once again melt by Kang Moo Gyul role. So amazing chameleon our Sukkie is! I think his acting ability is beyond average, mostly his crying scenes is the best. What a talent! Plus(of course ) his deep sexy voice,whether in speaking or singing, oh mommy help meee…
I’ve watched his DoReMiFa recently! Oh, he is sooo cute and handsome, and his acting skills r awesome!!! I love the OST of this movie, especially the one which is called “Time of Waiting”!!!
oh miracle..I love Time of Waiting, but have you heard him singing ‘If’ the ost of HGD and ‘Can You Hear Me’ from Beethoven Virus, which both are also sung by Tae Yeon SNSD? oh my.. it’s heard sooo sad and trully describes that he really hurts, unreplied love,in that two roles, makes me want to hug him tight, wipe his tears and cheer him up again…
Do u hv e link to ‘If’ tt Sukkie sang? Cos e one I hv was not sung by him. The uploader then apologized for the misinfo….
off topic,,hi farina..can I ask you something,can you help me understand the do’s and dont’s in purchasing JKS merchandise..I want to purchase goods in his OFC website but since I am not an official member,is it possible for me?I can’t read korean’s though and possibly it will be my first time to order his goods.Will they send it to me,If I purchase it in his OFC website or I need to check online.I am from Phillipines but currently working here in Bahrain..Can you help me?Thank you very much ^_^
hi charlotte, would just like to ask if you receive my email. thanks! (if it’s okay with you, kindly confirm also through mail).
Hi Charlotte, I’m sorry I can’t help you. I’m not an official member. Perhaps Aphrael or Tenshi_akuma or anybody else can help?
hi charlotte, have a mail for you re: your question.
Yes, arie-tristan! I’ve watched MV of HGD. As for BV, i watched this drama 2 years ago (but at that time i wasn’t so crazy about JKS as I’m now)…
U’re right all of these songs r full of sorrow! I’m also always heartbroken when i see Sukkie’s falling tears!!! Actually, he is my mood controller: when he smiles, i’m happy; and when he cries i also become sad, unintentionally my tears fall down!!! What to do?! That’s him who’s controlling my feelings!!!