[2022-02-03] Jang Keun Suk Instagram

English translation: Zoe from ECI
JKS: Ask me anything!
Form: Enter the content….

_asia_prince_jks stories part1

Ask me anything!
Q: Today is “Setsubun”(the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan).
Please teach me how to make kimbap!?
(tenshi_akuma’s note: In Japan, we eat Japanese kimbap on Setsubun. That’s why the eel asked him.)
A: Everything sells at convenience stores.

_asia_prince_jks stories part2

Ask me anything!
Q: I am participating in Korean language class on Zoom now, shall I send you the password so that you can join?
A: If that was Japanese language class, I would participate.

_asia_prince_jks stories part3

Ask me anything!
Q: Lunch is over
A: Have fun working.

_asia_prince_jks stories part4

Ask me anything!
Q: Please give some advice to my daughter who starts living on her own. 🙏🏻
A: You have to watch Netflix alone.
(tenshi_akuma’s note: I heard it’s a conventional phrase used recently to ask girls to come to come over. That’s why Suk warned her daughter not to visit boy’s place for Netflix.)

_asia_prince_jks stories part5

Ask me anything!
Q: Today is “Setsubun” in Japan. Is that something special in Korea today?
(“Setsubun”= the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan).
A: I record my full-lenght album!
tenshi_akuma’s note: What a great surprise! Good job, the eel who asked this question ^^

_asia_prince_jks stories part6

Ask me anything!
Q: Let’s date
A: I am not sure, I’ll see what happens

_asia_prince_jks stories part7

Ask me anything!
Q: What do you like the best to have in a noodle dish?
A: Kaeshimieo ( Kaeshi = Japanese sauce base) or buckwheat soba noodles.

_asia_prince_jks stories part8

Ask me anything!
Q: Keun Sukkie hyung who can do anything, what is that you can’t do? (hyung = older brother)
A: Um. Modesty?

_asia_prince_jks stories part9

Ask me anything!
Q: How do you distinguish between eel- fishes and eel- people?😉
A: My eels and eels who are not mine

_asia_prince_jks stories part10

Ask me anything!
Q: What is that you always have to take with you when you go out?
A: My mind

_asia_prince_jks stories part11

JKS: I am getting off.
_asia_prince_jks stories part12

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