[2020-01-21] Jang Keun Suk Instagram

English translation: tenshi_akuma

JKS: Ask me anything!
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_asia_prince_jks stories part1

Ask me anything!
Eel: Hello
JKS: Bye

_asia_prince_jks stories part2

Ask me anything!
Eel: I’m sleepy
JKS: Sleep forever

_asia_prince_jks stories part3

Ask me anything!
Q: How many calories do you burn per hour?
A: 400 kcal

_asia_prince_jks stories part4

Ask me anything!
Q: What is the secret of not quarrelling with my husband?
A: Hide Geun-chan’s photos in your house.

_asia_prince_jks stories part5

Ask me anything!
A person: I don’t want to ask you a question.
JKS: I didn’t mean to ask you either.

_asia_prince_jks stories part6

Ask me anything!
Q: How can I marry you, oppa?
A: I’m sorry, but you can’t.
I’m not mentally prepared for marriage, and I have a lot of things to do.
That’s why I don’t want to make you wait alone in a long and agonizing tunnel.
I hope you understand me.

_asia_prince_jks stories part7

Ask me anything!
Q: Do you take a shower after this?
A: No, but I will do sometime.

_asia_prince_jks stories part8

Ask me anything!
Q: Recommend something for lunch.
A: I will definitely pick salmon bruschetta of cafe PLENO!

_asia_prince_jks stories part9

Ask me anything!
Eel: Geun-chan, I really like you.
JKS: Thank you. I hope it continues.

_asia_prince_jks stories part10

Ask me anything!
Q: What do you do when you have a headache?
A: I take TYLENOL, aspirin etc.

_asia_prince_jks stories part11

Ask me anything!
Q: What is your plan for dinner?
JKS: You’re KPP.
tenshi_akuma’s note: K stands for Kao (face in Japanese). PP stands for Pan Pan (an onomatopoeic expression used for puffy and swollen face especially after drinking too much). I think many of you have already known this expression ‘KPP’ because he uses the expression to describe his morning face. But I don’t know exactly what he meant to say this time as the answer.

_asia_prince_jks stories part12

Ask me anything!
Q: It’s lunch time for Korean language class. Please give me a word.
A: Now! Everyone! Please return to your seat.

_asia_prince_jks stories part13

JKS: I am getting off!
_asia_prince_jks stories part14

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