English translation: Zoe from ECI
JKS: Ask me anything!
Form: Enter the content….
_asia_prince_jks stories part1
JKS: Ah. It’s hard to do it now, later 😰
_asia_prince_jks stories part2
JKS: Ask me anything!
Form: Enter the content…
_asia_prince_jks stories part3
Ask me anything!
Q: Have you ever tried to eat a fruit called Atmoya?
JKS: What is that?
_asia_prince_jks stories part4
Ask me anything!
Q: I feel so exhausted because I have a fever, will you say something to me please…
JKS: Go to sleep, quickly
Zoe’s note: 82ZARA = 82 and the word “quickly” sounds the same in Korean. Zara is 자라 written with alphabet “go to sleep”.
_asia_prince_jks stories part5
Ask me anything!
Q: Can you speak Arabic?💕
JKS: Thank you💕
_asia_prince_jks stories part6
Ask me anything!
Q: I don’t know what diet method to use. How should I start?
JKS: You too, go to sleep quickly.
_asia_prince_jks stories part7
Ask me anything!
Q: What is your favourite alcoholic drink (“Sul” in Korean)?
JKS: “Ipsul”
Zoe’s note: “Lips” in Korean. He was playing with Korean words.
_asia_prince_jks stories part8
Ask me anything!
Q: Slowly?
JKS: Almost!
_asia_prince_jks stories part9
Ask me anything!
Q: Can I call you oppa?
JKS: Yes. Aunt.
_asia_prince_jks stories part10
Ask me anything!
Q: You are not sleeping, what are you doing~??^^
JKS: This is not Cyworld.
Zoe’s note: It’s hard to know what he means here. The question is written in a strange way and with typos. It seems he tried to answer the same way. 😄 I think the last word could be 아닌뎁. Edited: 42 sounds “sa-i” and probably mens “Cy”. Thanks to sis Rossi Yan for help with this 😊 It seems that the way the question is written reminded Sukkie of writing style in some old posts from Cyworld. 😄
_asia_prince_jks stories part11
Ask me anything!
Q: I lost 10 kg. What to do to loose more?
JKS: Shall we compete?
_asia_prince_jks stories part12
Ask me anything!
Q: Why don’t I get the notification?
JKS: Oh, how is that possible!
_asia_prince_jks stories part13
Ask me anything!
Eel: Japanese!!!!!!
JKS: I lo, lo,, love you
tenshi_akuma’s note: An eel asked him to say something in Japanese, and he said “I love you”.
_asia_prince_jks stories part14
JKS: Then, it’s time for me to go
_asia_prince_jks stories part15