Original source: Hanyang University website
English translation of yellow part: Zoe from ECI
The first part marked with yellow is : “Actor Jang Keun Suk (31) who appeares in SBS drama Switch -Change the world donated schoolarship of 100 million won to Hanyang University.” The second yellow part is Sukkie’s words: “I’m proud to be able to give more opportunities to juniors who are eager to learn.” It says that he earned the money as a model for a pharmaceutical company. It mentiones that he also donated 1.2 billion won in 2011, and that he has been active as a sharing professor at Hanyang since 2015.
Original source: Hanyang University website
Thank you Zoe for the translation… I can’t understand the Korean in the article if the mistake in the article or translation but from earlier media reports and my understanding of 2011/2012 donation, it is 1.2 billion krw (1200 million krw) when he made the first donation then.
Yes, you have right, it’s missing one more zero. Thank you
The article says too that he donated 12억원 in 2011. It’s 1,2 billion won. I hope that Tenshi will correct it.
So proud of him…so happy to be able to contribute to the happiness and futures of others..
Oh This Man!!
He really has a heart for the needy.
Kudos to him!!