8 thoughts on “[Pics] JKS 4th album ‘Voyage’ visual cover image”

  1. All of them are nice pictures, I have ordered the edition A that is a very good picture , but I like the regular edition ‘sorrow’ .He is so handsome and has such a sorrow expression on his face ! !

  2. I love all but the one that draw most attention for me is Sorrow. Hihii probably because I love cold oppa.

  3. Now eels will have a hard time which edition to choose…

    I like edition 2….. But…. I looooovvveeeeee the cover photo for edition 3… #thestruggleisReal

    • The second pic is unbelievable!!
      He is sooooo cute in real life but here he looks stunning perfect for a negative character.. love it..

  4. I think that all covers are really good, but I will always prefer the photos that Jang Keun Suk is smiling because his smile is so gorgeous, that’s why I love him so much!!!

  5. Ocx smiling face is always good on him ,he got such nice smile that can kill everyone, but on the other hand I do feel he has loneliness in his eyes , that’s why the post of Sollow is so attractive . When are you going to tell us about your good news of dating and your girl friend , even though you said you never got caught ! Hahaha

  6. How come he is sooo cute, so serious, so furious all at a time.. & on the top of that u cannot dislike anyone!!
    He is just suuuuperb!!! 🙂

  7. The sorrow pic is just Wow Wow!! And the last pic makes me smile whenever I see it.. No doubt he is the cutest one on this Earth.. The first pic had already gathered lots of appreciation earlier and the second pic proves how versatile our “Prince” is.. loving them all.. waaaaah!!!


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