Our Jagn Keun Suk won 2 awards on SBS Drama Awards. One is the Top Excellence Award (Long Running) Male, and the other is the Top 10 Star Award. Really happy to witness the moment and so proud of being his eel. He deserves it!!! Congratulations! 😀
*JKS’ thank you speech for the Top Excellence Award (Long Running) Male
English translation: Hazy Lee from ECI
“I am not sure if i am worthy of this award, there are many good actors who were nominated in this category too, being nominated together with senior Choi Min Soo is already something amazing for me. I have never thought I would win this award. Really thank you so much for presenting this award to me.
There were many moments in 2016 where I felt vexed, kept thinking how I could improve my acting, and if my world views and values are right, thinking about creating a world that belongs to me. While I was going through that, I chance upon Daebak, it gave me the direction that I wanted to take and the answer as to why I wanted to act.
The directors who filmed with me, initially said he would come to the swamp with me but he never did come right in, even the snake I had to eat it alive. When Jingoo received his award he did not mention about me. Jingoo ah, thank you too.
I received this award after 7 years, my fans all know it, I will truly treasure this trophy.”
SBS SAF drama award 2016 – Top Excellence Award for Serial Drama 2016 – JKS
*JKS’ thank you speech for the Top 10 Star Award
English translation: Evelyn Tan from ECI
“All thanks to my fans for not leaving me that I can get the award. When I was invited to be emcee, I was thinking if I will be able to get one award, now that I got this Top10 award, I want to be emcee again next year! Now I’m missing my cat the most as she’s alone at home, I miss my dad and mum too.”
SBS SAF Drama Award 2016 – Top 10 Stars Award – JKS
Other 10 Stars
Congratulations!So happy for our awesome prince. His hardwork were rewarded. Happy New Year to AP and all eels. Looking forward for another great year with our prince and more success to come.
Congratz my prince..!! I’m so proud of you!!!
Morning, congratulations our AP , he really deserved the awards , his hardworks and acting is being recognized We eels are so proud of you zikzin our Prince have a prosperous 2017 and looking forward to your successful Team H show in China Byebye and Happy New Year to all of you and most important thx so much for the fast Eng sub and also the video . JKS is really really handsome and the costumes look so good on him
Congratulations Sukkie! I felt strongly that your excellent performance in Daebak will be recognized! What a good year to start!
So happy..
What a new year our PRINCE gifted to us.. God bless u with everything my Prince.. health, happiness, peace n prosperity.. U deserve it..
If I can’t do anything more for u , I will always pray for u.. everytime, everyday..????????
Happy New Year Tenshi Sis n all ECI eels n all my eel friends here..
I m so blessed to have got this site..
At times of great depression, atleast I have this to check anything about my Prince, write anything I like, reading all lovely comments of beautiful eels here.. Really For the whole year I got a lot of happiness for my Prince, so many friends here whom I can’t see but we all share equal love for our PRINCE.. Although I remain very busy in work or very sad, the jks forever site has been there for me always..
A million thanks to all, and a million thanks for creating such a blog for only us.. Wishing a great year ahead for our genius, honest, hard working PRINCE n for all his eels around the world..
I feel like crying when I watched it last night.. ???????? but it’s tears of joy.. finally our prince was recognized in his home country.. congratulations Sukkie, you really deserve this! daebak! group hugs to eels.. really a happy new year for us!! ????????????????????????
Congratulations to our dear Prince for these well deserved and long over due awards. Always hoping the best for him in 2017
Congratulations to our talented Prince. I love his music and praise him immensely as an actor. I wish him a much more successful year in 2017. He Rocks!
ooo so sweet him ,thank you very much …I am speechless .
He want to be emcee again for SAF so he’s next drama will be on SBS again.
Muy bien ganado mi PrÃncipe, tu trabajo duro por fin dió fruto.
I’m so glad for him … He really deserve it!!!
This has been one of the most fantastic New Year celebration as an eel. Our Eel’s master winning such a meaningful award for his hard work for that fantastic sageuk Daebak. He made us suffer by acting so real the hardship of Baek Daegil we cried our eels heart out…now making us cry our hearts out again but now from pride and so many other positive emotions..
Thanks you so much Jang Keun Suk for gifting us with your multiple amazing talents..we had an fantastic 2016 and we ZIKZIN with you all the way through an even more meaningful 2017
Happy New Year to all eels <3
Congratulations, JKS! You truly deserved the awards. You are a great and beautiful person – inside and out. You have given us eels – love, happiness and inspiration. For that, our prayers, love and support will always be with you for 2017 and for many years to come. God bless you more.