Reading her lively FA, I felt as if I had been with her and shared the same unforgettable moment. Thanks Tcer for sharing!
Credit: Tcer from Malaysia and ECI
When i was writing this, i was actually waiting for my flight going back to Malaysia.. Only God know how i felt.. It was sad.. and actually i was shed tears when im writing this..
My virgin Trip begin when my beloved sister Fadilah Jks asking me to go with her to Osaka for Team H party. That time i was directly asking my husband and suddenly he said YES!!! I was so happy and yet im nervous too!! This was my first time going abroad..leaving my husband and children.. But it was a great journey after i know that i got the ticket!!!! Yeay!!!
14 Oct.. its about time!!! I reached KIX Airport at 8.30am Japan time. I saw few european eels and i meet them for the first time. It was really great actually!! Then we decided to wait for Suk at the airport. Can u imagined that we wait for him from morning until 7.30pm!!! but guess what?!!! i didnt feel tired!!! XD XD
15Oct (7.30pm) he safely landed said one of the japanese eels. they was so kind!!! They give us few gift!!! and actually they were creative!! Back to Suk!!! hehhe
once he came out all eels was screaming ” Geun Chan” ( i think u have to do it like japanese style) sounds very cute kkkk!!!
he took off his glasses he smiled to us.. he give us flying kiss that time i feel like an angel coming out~ he was so handsome!!! Tall!! his face really Glowing!!! All i can said is he was pretty than me!!!! after seeing him we directly foing to our hotel.. and of course we go to bed so late as we are keep talking about Suk!!!
16Oct~ IT’S THE DAY!!! my heart really deugun deugun!!!
u know it feels like i was meeting my boyfriend for the first time!!! I dont even feel like this when i was with my husband before we get married~ :p we Q up to buy the merchandise. and then we get ready for the party.
Going inside the hall i was so lucky im sitting next to my eel sister from USA and Italy.. The best thing is my USA sister she can understand Japanese.. So when suk was talking she will translated it to me.
As the light turn off i got GOOSEBUMPS!!! The show will begin any second. He was standing at the front of the stage with BB but being covered. as the covered turn down all eels are screaming!!!!
he was so handsome with full white clothes and pants!! his hair is like he was in Itaewon drama.
He begin the show with new songs.and he was singing all the new songs in the album and 10 songs from previous album..(if i was not mistaken). It was great performance.. great choreography.. he was dancing like indian dance, shaking, being naughty and i was thinking he was trying to seducing us :p :p :p
BB AND SUK showing us their big smile as they want us to know that they were so happy that night.. and actually ME TOO!!! EELS TOO!! That WOW VIRUS ( Hahahha i was thinking about that name) he make us dance repeating at the end of the show.. hahhahaha i was really enjoy it!!!
And the result is.. me and Fadilah cannot sleep!!!! hahahahaha we keep on talking about him!!! we glad that he was happy.. it was him!!! And my journey end as i have to go back to MALAYSIA~ T_T T_T I’m sure i will go back to his next concert!!! I was sitting alone at the airport and im crying~ T_T i dont want to leave osaka.. i want to be in his concert today
WHATEVER IT IS~ As this is my first time going to his concert all i can say is IT WAS MY GREAT VIRGIN TRIP EVER AS AN EEL!!! Thank you to all my eel sisters.. Thank you to the Blue Eels!! Thank you to JANG KEUN SUK for the great performance!!! Thank You TEAM H!! I will never forget this memories in OSAKA
#eeltrip #virgintrip #osakatrip #osakajohall #teamHconcert #jangkeunsuk #bigbrother #wetparty
Waiting for Prince until 7:30 pm n still eels r not tired.. wowww this is the true love of Eels.. Really felt like as if I were also waiting for Prince at the airport, talking only about JkS with all eel friends all the night, watching Team H live with all those cute poses of our PRINCE.. Woww I too want to experience all these..
N to get an eel friend who understands will be too good also.. But I m also amazed that an USA eel also understands Japanese.. Eels from all over the world r coming to Team H concerts.. feeling so proud.. And above all I really really want to see all the Indian dance of Sukkie.. Suk indeed dances great.. would feel very lucky to see this concert videos..
Loved ur FA sis.. It always feels great reading fan accounts of Eels in forever.. everytime a new experience.. Thanku for sharing with us..
Lucky eels that have a chance to see TeamH this was my dream to see JKS concert but don’t know how to purchase the tickets