24 thoughts on “[Teaser] My Ear’s Candy EP.5_20160922”

  1. tenshi joe priya have you watch the teaser of candy in my ears ep 4 can you tell me a little bit about the story in ep 4 and what did suk say there who is the candy in ep 4 please reply me cacak thanks

  2. We have to wait for 2 weeks for ep 5.. OMG!! I m in a big hangover for this show.. It’s too hard to wait.

  3. The next ep will b worth watching.. Suk will go camping n we will see his new side..I m glad that Suk can do everything he likes in this show.. The new Candy calling oppa oppa sounds so cute..

  4. awww 🙁 I am okay with Candy 1 & 2 and I am one of the eels who wishes our JKS live happily ever after with someone.

    But, I am bit jealous for that someone who is calling him, oppa huhuhu :(( sorry for being this selfish 🙁 The young girl is really lucky for being able to talk with JKS. I am bad? huhuhu. Yet, looking forward still for this episode.

    Though it hurts, I will patiently wait for the 22nd for this episode and our excellent team for the translation.

    huhu my heart hurts with jealousy 🙁 but JKS is soooo <3 can't find words to say…

      • My typographical errors:
        1st paragraph – *who wishes our JKS to live happily ever after with someone
        2nd paragraph – *Am I bad?

      • But sis, Sukkie is my oppa (by age) I m going to enjoy the next ep fully imagining myself as Candy.. kkkkk..

  5. Hi Priya! Me too, Suk is my oppa too :)) He is 6 years older than mee. Maybe, I am jealous because someone was able to talk to him as same age as mine or closer to my age. huhuhu :”( cri/ cry hehe :)) if a noona like candy 2 or like asia princess-like or same age as him, I will not get jealous kkk :))) better yet, will be more than happy for him having a love life :))

    but whoever will be our prince’s princess, as long as he is happy, we will be happy for him. but,

    I am happy seeing him/ doing this “reality show” yet i cannot set aside my jealousy on this coming episode huhuhhu 🙁 🙂

  6. I’ m sure the next Candy will be one special and interesting person like the first two. JKS’s Candys are as delightful as his gastronomic works!! Who can diet?? We look forward for the pleasant and spoiling camping episode!!

  7. Finally, tonight is the night to see our Nature Boy Suk camping~! So far, he has wowed us with his cooking and food-flipping skills… what’s next? Am guessing there may be a ton of cutesy aegyo and flirty feels whenever the young Candy calls him oppaaaa lol. I’m not green-eyed, though. 🙂


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