[Summary pics] ‘Daebak’ coffee truck support by eels all over the world

Credit: http://m.blog.naver.com/coffee_mrkim/220784571773
Coffee Mr. Kim provided the summary photos of ‘Daebak’ coffee truck support by eels all over the world. Looking back all of them, really I feel it’s awesome. I can feel how much eels all over the world were waiting for his acting project, and the variety of countries (of course, we are from 80 countries already!) proved he’s truly World Prince for us. I was happy to see Mr. Kim added the LINE awesome stamp to our support photos. He seemed to be surprised that we ECI has eels from 80 countries across 6 oceans! Plus, he shared some photos of JKS. Thank you for sharing!

15. ECI – Eel’s club international Jangkeunsukforever.com
Surprisingly it was supported by eels from 80 countries across 6 continents!
As I thought, Actor Jang is…


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3 thoughts on “[Summary pics] ‘Daebak’ coffee truck support by eels all over the world”

  1. Proud that our sukkie has a very dedicated fandom.. Read the entire article n very happy to see all those food support from all over the world.. And ECI’s logo “Eels from 80 countries in 6 continents” itself is very attractive n sufficient to prove that our hero is a real WORLD PRINCE
    to prove


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