Always Siew Hin’s FA is very lively written to enjoy reading. Thank you Hin for sharing!
Credit: Siew Hin from ECI
He had cut his hair!!!!!!
That I already knew as eels had seen him the night before.
So with a slightly aching heart, but still pounding wildly as usual before he appears at a show, I waited with baited breath for him to appear.
Hair swept all the way down.
Black bow tie, white shirt, silver jacket with black and shiny grey cross-like motif, black tailored pants. Hmmmmmm ………… sigh………….. why didn’t he let me see him with long hair once before cutting it again.
In this 1st outfit, he only sang 4 songs, and talked…. and talked and talked and talked.
Our boy loves to talk, and he had been silent for months while filming Daebak.
So I expected him to be especially long-winded during this show.
But he exceeded my expectations – For the 1st 1.5 hours, he sang only 4 songs and talked the rest of the time!
As he was speaking in Korean, I didn’t understand a thing.
So all I did was just stare at him.
Memorized what he was wearing, how his hair was styled, what he looked like.
One very significant thing during this show was, during the session when he was talking, the screens showed pictures of him, and the topic he was talking about was written in 4 languages : Korean, Japanese, Chinese and English.
I believe this is the first time he had the 4 languages up on the screen.
An effort in trying to enable all those present who did not understand Korean to be understand what was going on.
Suk – I really appreciated that!
When he finally went backstage to change, I was hoping and praying he wouldn’t talk so much during the 2nd part.
Then he appeared…………..and I think I died and went to eel-heaven the second he appeared!
Ooooohhhhhhh…….. mmmyyyyyy……Sukkkkkkkk!!!!
He had on a black and white polka-dot shirt – that was nicely unbuttoned to his chest. Light blue torn demni jeans. And his hair……… it looked lightly permed (perfectly just right) and swept back all the way!
He was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous – beautifully handsome!!!!!!
And then of course, the expected usual thing happened to me – as always during every one of his shows.
When he appears looking like that, I can be forgiven for that .
I have absolutely no idea what happened after that.
The only thing I can remember in the 2nd half is this :
My seat this time was at Block 10, 2nd last row, Aisle seat
Not a great seat, but not too bad.
But the moment I realized where my seat was……….I behaved like a spoilt brat and started wailing loudly.
So loudly that Crij’s President came and asked what was wrong. (I seriously didn’t realize I was that loud and thought only friends were around me when I reacted). She then exclaimed it was a good seat, that it was smack in the middle of the venue facing the centre and extension as well – and it was raised on platform. She kept assuring me it was a good seat. By then, I was so embarrassed for behaving so badly, I had to assure her I was fine with my seat.
And I was – when I got to my seat, I realized I had a totally unblocked view.
He was about the size of Cabbage Patch Doll, but I had the screens to stare at, and with my binoculars I could see his face very clearly, specially when he was standing at the end of the extension.
And I could dance freely – so freely that I was happily standing on the steps (instead of at my seat) dancing away, while staring at him through the binoculars.
(I had abandoned that darn tennis racket he calls a light stick by then)
You know the science of sight right?
What you can see – the other person whom you are staring at can see?
Sigh…… I was standing right on the steps, directly facing him when he was on stage singing – not behind the seats like the other 2,999 well-behaved eels.
No other person between him and me.
I could see him – and I think he saw me (gulp!)
When I was staring at him through the binoculars, I saw him looking directly at me! (I think he did). I put down the binoculars and he seemed to be glaring at my direction……. I quickly moved back to my seat – and stayed there obediently for the rest of the show (kkkkk luckily that was at the 2nd last song when it happened)
P.S :
An eel had requested that I make my FA as peely as possible – the more the better.
Unfortunately, our boy was so well-behaved this time, there was nothing I could peel about!
1) Promise (YAB)
2) Oh My Darling
3) Oh My Lady (YMP)
4) My Lovely Girl ( BM)
5) My Bus (MMM)
6) Hello Hello (MMM – slow version)
7) Without Words (YAB)
8) Can You Hear Me (BV – full song)
9) Turn Off
10) Save Me
11) Still ( YAB)
12) Beautiful Change
13 ) Gotta Get You
a) The Great Legacy
b) Short Movie in New Zealand
c) Produce 101
d) Daebak
e) New album recording
a) Baek Dae-gil
b) Dokga Ma-te
c) Seo Joon
d) Kang Mu-gyul
e) Hwang Tae-kyung
a) Long or Short Hair
b) Black or Brown Hair
c) Looks or Talent
d) Voice or Eyes
e) Skinny or Muscular
f) Causal or Suit
e) Solo or Team H
Thanks for your memo
It’s my pleasure writing and sharing
Thank you so much for your FA, i love to read your’s always fun to read^^ i really wish to be there next time to feel such a great experience..
Hope so too!
Sis, when u described the incident of facing sukkie i felt my heart came out.. But how can we choose anyone frm part 1 and part 2 questions?? He has everything.. looks good in everything <3 <3 Its too unfair dear..
You are so funny and in love <3 ha ha ha. I cannot stop laughing when I read this. I really enjoyed reading your story. I just hope Suk read this too. :)Thanks for sharing.
you were so lucky!!! I envy you soooooo much : )
thanks for your FA! you’re so lucky!! hope i’ll be able to experience it too
Thank you for sharing. I made me feel like I’m there too!
a) Long or Short Hair – both are good. And his haircut this time is pretty good and very fresh!
b) Black or Brown Hair – brown
c) Looks or Talent – both (besides being good looking, I can see that he is a very talent and hard working person. And have leadership power too. That’s why I love him so much.)
d) Voice or Eyes – both
e) Skinny or Muscular – prefer not too skinny
f) Causal or Suit – prefer causal more, but suit is good too
e) Solo or Team H – both, but more on solo
Beautiful moments to remember,nice FA!!
Thanks for your precious FA! May I know if his tour will include Southeast Asia as reported in the media recently? Is it true that he will be acting again after his Asia Tour? I first heard of this info after the July 2nd concert which you attended. Thanks, hope to get your response.
Dear Vivi,
So far, there are 2 other confirmed It’s Show Time shows – 1 on 30 July in Shenzhen and another on 27 August in Shanghai.
There are no news on any other shows in other cities at the moment.
He is however having another 2 Endless Summer shows in Osaka on 19 and 20 July (next week!!)
At the moment, there is no official news on him acting again after all these shows.
I’m not sure if he mentioned about acting during his Seoul or Tokyo shows.
Let me ask other eels and will get back to you.
Based on some other eels FA on this Seoul Show, it seems he did say he will chose another acting project after his concert tour ends. Likely after September
Wow that’s good news to hear he will have another acting project.. He better have another one or two before he enlist.. Fighting our Prince!!
“Then he appeared…………..and I think I died and went to eel-heaven the second he appeared!
Ooooohhhhhhh…….. mmmyyyyyy……Sukkkkkkkk!!!!
He was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous – beautifully handsome!!!!!!”
This fan account has validated my feelings! ♥️ This was exactly my reaction when I chanced upon his Save Me performance from this show! That Save Me performance video is my current obsession (along with that short Darling Darling clip from Gift where he is wearing a white button down shirt with damp hair).
What can I say – simple and clean styling just highlights JKS’ gorgeous face and raw magnetism. I don’t know if I should be embarrassed to say that I watch Save Me at least 3 times a day.?