19 thoughts on “[Fan Account] ‘Produce 101’ live filming in Seoul_20160221 by Hazy”

  1. This tireless boy!!
    Thanks for sharing sissies, and thanks to all of the eels who are all around for this kind of events, so fare away for some of us eels to be able to show up, but you all are always there for him, many thanks…

  2. Master of eels and eels alike are really hardworking and have great stamina!!!!
    Thanks for sharing these valuable moments of/with AP with us who could not be there with you/him
    We get to see nothing comes for free for our man…but he is such passionate man he will manage gracefully

  3. It was the first time we got to stare at him for 4 hours straight!
    And he would stand still at the same spot – not running, jumping around – so we could just focus on him.

  4. Wow. This fan account is amazing. Sometimes i feel my crazyness is nothing before u all. Although i miss him I can only pray for him, feel more greedy for him, feel proud for him, or get inspiration from him. But u all even share his tiredness. That is the power of love. GREAT EELS OF A GREAT STAR. This love is the greatest *JACKPOT* for such a hard working, passionate and a superbeautiful man. *DAEBAK*

  5. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful fan acount. Since this is so great, I translated it to share with Japanese eels. Here’s the link to my translation. https://twishort.com/Xbckc
    I will post it to my Ameblo later.
    Anyway thank you so much for giving me and Japanese eels an opportunity to experience your wonderful (but hard for your legs) day!!

    • Hi! I’m wondering if you attended Jks’ Lotte FM on February 20th. It was meant for only Japanese Eels, wasn’t it?
      It would be awesome if you could share your fan account [or any Blue Eel’s experience] on this blog. I’m interested to know whether Suk mentioned anything about his role in his upcoming drama.

      • Hi! Thank you so much for giving me a message!
        Too bad! I didn’t attend JKS’ Lotte FM. However on my twitter I translated into English what I heard about it (Japanese eels’ experiences) and What JKS said.
        Yes, the FM was meant for only Japanese eels, however, I heard some Chinese eels attended, too.

        Here I’ll just copy all of my tweets:

        In the 1st ep of Daebak JKS appears in only 1 scene. No appearence in the 2nd, either (describing his childhood). He’ll be in the 3rd!!

        After completing Daebak JKS’ll release his single CDs in Japan, one CD every 2 months.

        In Daebak JKS wears no wig, maybe uses hair extensions. Appears in only 1 scene in the 1st ep. Starts appearing at the end of the 3rd ep.

        JKS’ll start going to action school next week (it means the week starting on Feb 22). A lot of violent actions included in the drama. He’ll ride a horse, too.

        JKS hasn’t practiced singing (for the FM or whatever) since Live in Japan concerts last Nov. A few days ago he went to karaoke & practiced. Said he did a pretty good job.

        Yesterday (Feb 19) JKS watched Produce 101 at home, drank some (or a lot of ?) beer & slept for over 9 hours! He’ll be so busy soon!!

        JKS said: “Hard to describe Dae-gil. My former roles in historic dramas were a student, a son of a rich family and a king. Dae-gil is a humble commoner, a person in the lowest rank, but will turn to be the one who tries to protect his country and its future at the risk of his life. He’s a great gambler.” JKS’s never gambled, so now he’s learning how to play porker and any other gamblings from watching DVDs. (*`艸´)ヽ(;▽;)ノ

        This is what JKS said in his FM closing speech. “Since I haven’t sung for some time I got really nervous. Today this Lotte event much more eels took part in than any of the other Lotte events in the past and I really felt a very warm, rather hot atomosphere. Thank you so much for coming and seeing me here in Soeul all the way from your countries. As soon as finishing the shooting of Daebak I’ll come to Japan to see you guys (to give my shows)!”
        JKS gave a lot of throwing kisses when he walked away.

        That’s all what I heard. How do you like it? (#^.^#)
        On my twitter I try to translate info on JKS into English as much as I can. So if you’re interested, please follow me. Marchneko-chan ‏@yachan19870804
        (≧∇≦)b Have a nice day!! o(^▽^)o

      • MY great pleasure!! (≧∇≦)b
        I just want to share any of happy info on JKS with eels all over the world!!

      • Thanks so much for your reply! I had such a great time reading all the interesting info and details of what JKS said during the FM.
        Wow! He even has to go to action school! Apparently, ‘Daebak’ is going to be an action-packed drama. I read on a drama blog that a senior actor has just been added to the cast, and his role is to teach Dae-gil martial arts!

  6. Thanks for sharing youre wonderful experience with our prince! Even your legs and feet get tired its woth it!

  7. Hi! I would like to ask how did you get into the recording as I am trying to get into the current Produce X 101 recording.


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