[2016-02-17] Jang Keun Suk Instagram

Original source: apj_jks Instagram

#linoui #actor #jangkeunsuk
#charity #bazaar #collaboration #event
#Feb.21 #linouishop #from1200to1700

“Jang Keun Suk & L’inoui warm collaboration”

“장근석&리누이 따뜻한 콜라보레이션”
아시아프린스 장근석과 21일날 따뜻한 바자회 만들어봐요.
우리모두 같이해요,
날짜 :2016.02.21.
장소 :강남구 신사동 664-16 1층 리누이매장.
시간 ;pm12:00~pm05:00


6 thoughts on “[2016-02-17] Jang Keun Suk Instagram”

  1. I’m very happy for this occasion. It will help raise money for people who need it. By the way, today’s was our prince’s first day of shooting….yoooo hoooo! I know, like I know that he will do well. He likes excellence so I know today is a very special day for him. By the way, does anybody know how international eels can watch his drama? Tenshi, can you help us? Thank you so much in advance.


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