[2015-10-25] Jang Keun Suk China official fan club Weibo

Original source: http://weibo.com/starjangkeunsuk#_rnd1445699778691
English translation: Eileen Tan from ECI

#LIVE IN SHANGHAI# eels with so much of support, that same undying passion, the eel master tonight is handsome as usual!! LOVE LETTER that is filled with passion.
#LIVE IN SHANGHAI# 鳗鱼们太给力了,激情依旧不减,今晚的鳗鱼队长依旧帅的没边!!深情满满的LOVE LETTER

#LIVE IN SHANGHAI# Without words stage, is so beautiful!!!! Still as nice!!! Official site took this discreetly [hush hush], as a gift to eels who are unable to make it for the show.
#LIVE IN SHANGHAI# 默默无语的舞台真是美到爆了!依然这么好听[抓狂][酷]官官是默默拍下来的[嘘][嘘]送给没能来到现场的鳗鱼们

#LIVE IN SHANGHAI# Support banner a huge success! Thank you for all participating eels! You all are the best~ Tonight is so high that is unstoppable!
#LIVE IN SHANGHAI# 应援大成功!感谢所有配合的应援鳗鱼们!你们太棒啦~今晚简直嗨到停不下来

#LIVE IN SHANGHAI# Ended the show with a great success, thank you for your support~ Super high, really! Very very touched, thank you, today actor jang said in mandarin a couple of times, i love you all, thank you everyone! See you all next time.
#LIVE IN SHANGHAI# 真的真的超级圆满的结束了,感谢大家的应援~真的超级超级嗨!超级超级感动,谢谢大家,张演员今晚用中文说了无数次的我爱你们,谢谢大家!我们下次再见

7 thoughts on “[2015-10-25] Jang Keun Suk China official fan club Weibo”

  1. Amazing! ♥

    Thank you so much for the translation. The filming was forbidden, so I felt a little bit guilty about watching these videos on weibo. Kkk …Didn´t understand it was his OFC. 😀

  2. Wonderful that the official site released these. Thanks so much for the postings and the translations. The photos are gorgeous, and he words mean so much to all of us <3

  3. So envy Shanghai eels can get to see our prince after the long wait, we SG eels have no chance from our long wait…. Does anyone know if our prince will come to Singapore


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