[News] JANG KEUN SUK 2016 official calendar ‘Melting Waiting’ goes on sale

Original source: http://www.jang-keunsuk.jp/jks2016cal/

Through the message on each month, we feel him and walk with him.
With ‘words’ of each month and his various facial expressions,
we can feel his presence all the time.
This is a must-buy calendar that consists of his exclusive photos.
Both desk and wall calendars consist of exclusive photos.
You can enjoy Jang Keun Suk with various facial expressions and ‘words’ that change in every month.
Jang Keun Suk 2016 official calendars come bundled with two types of calendars;
oversized ‘wall calendar’ that you can feel his facial expressions and ‘desk calendar’ that you can feel his existence all the time.

* WALL CALENDAR (420mm * 610mm)
* DESK CALENDAR (20mm * 20mm)
* CALENDAR SET (WALL CALENDAR & DESK CALENDAR) : 5,500 yen (not including sales tax)
All photos used in each calendar are different. The calendars are scheduled to be released at the end of December, 2015. The bonus item for those who pre-order by December 10th will get the exclusive postcard. If you want to order these from Koari.net, please check how to order from this post, [Info] How to order JKS stuff from Koari.net (and other Japanese online shops).

15 thoughts on “[News] JANG KEUN SUK 2016 official calendar ‘Melting Waiting’ goes on sale”

  1. Thanks ss Tenshi,
    Eels will try to buy it, because from 2016, maybe Suk will go to MS, we will miss him so much.

  2. Hi my name is ria from philippines this my first time to post a comment here but i always visiting this site to check jks.im also eels.can you help me how can i buy the dvd of jks concert please help me.and can you help how can i joined here please.

  3. The Veil

    The Veil that hides your quiet smile,
    Does not do you justice, because although it
    Hides your face, it can never shield your warm heart.
    Gwendolyn Gatling


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