6 thoughts on “[Pics] outside and inside of LIVE IN SEOUL venue”

  1. Thank you, Tenshi. Everyone had enjoyed the great show. Hopefully, the DVD won’t take it too long to be released, hehe. I just can’t wait that long to watch what had happened on the show ^_^.

  2. Yes, Tenshi:

    As an American, union cinematographer, we are warned as well not taking photos or videos of films we’re working; any photos, videos or sound files publicized while film production is in progress, the offender is immediately fired, a lawsuit will immediately ensue, and the offender is blackballed from gaining future employment: Copyright infringement is punishable by the Supreme Court, wage garnishment up to the amount charged by the court, and up to ten years imprisonment! South Korea should have similar copyright infringement laws in effect; all media must be cleared by a press pass in order legally shooting stills or video at any entertainment venue. That’s not USA law, that’s GLOBAL!

    Example: A rock band called, Metallica discovered Lee Seunggi’s drama production used Metallica’s song as the drama’s theme song without authorization so, the drama had to pay severe damages for unauthorized usage of Metallica’s song! Therefore, regardless of type of media, unauthorized media publicized will be charged severe, monetary damages! Be careful what you shoot or record, the Internet is Big Brother having its hand out ready collecting money and property from “ignorant publications” posted via the Internet!

    All Eels MUST adhere to copyright infringement laws or your money and property will not be yours for long due to breaking laws, both domestic and international laws.


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