Original source: joosuc_ Instagram
Celebrating the birthday of JKS who was a junior high school student has become 29 years old before I knew it. (BGM Joosuc – Birthday)….
중딩이던 근석이가 어느덧 스물아홉이 되었다 축하한다 (BGM Joosuc – Birthday) 한편 이 날 생파에서 리버풀 골수 팬인 배우 하석진군을 만나 15-16 EPL 전망에 대하여 토론을 하였다 #장근석 #생파 #주석 #Birthday
Credits: kt music
주석 Joosuc – Birthday Official M/V
tenshi_akuma’s note: I miss their collaborative performance at Tokyo Dome.
Oh, it´s that song! I love that song so much. I asked you once before if you had lyrics, but you probably didn´t notice that. Could you maybe just say what the song is about, Tenshi? Something about blue sky? I mean that song he sang with Suk in Tokyo Dome.
Aawwwwwww, nice!