Credits: chika8004h
Credits: tamiy17
Credits: suk kyon
Credits: Lppei5 cri
Credits: MsHazyLEE
Credits: summer hiroko
Credits: Yukoko Oshima
Credits: hiro chime
Credits: haruharu0804 Instagram
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
Credits: chika8004h
Credits: tamiy17
Credits: suk kyon
Credits: Lppei5 cri
Credits: MsHazyLEE
Credits: summer hiroko
Credits: Yukoko Oshima
Credits: hiro chime
Credits: haruharu0804 Instagram
So many videos and photos! Thank you for sharing. Thank you to eels who have taken them. ♥
I`ve watched that close up video from Chika so many times. The song is appropriate. He kind of looked like Momo with shorter hair. 😉 Extremely cute.
Btway, what country are you from, Zoe? Forgot to ask earlier and hoping it doesnt bother you my asking
You are such an asset because of your large scale form of Sukkie information resources. We greatly appreciate the generous effort from your end as well…
And i hope you get to read this akcnowledgment too
beautiful videos ,so close ..thank you to the eels I can see him .