1. Prince sukkie you are totally awesome!! another 2days concert is really exciting. waaahhhh!i want to watch your concert so so badly!!how can i watch it live?? :'(
    congratulations to team h for having a successful concert last november 1 and 2…wishing you all the best for the upcoming concerts… 😀

  2. It’s good that they finally said something more about his successes
    but why footages from previous years?

  3. Love the reportage, but I wish they could show us some new scenes from the tour. They have just used videos from Sukkies you tube channel.

    Sukkie has really been quiet lately. I have thought today about how many things happened one year ago. Sukkie was on Zepp tour, he cut his hair, and the first episode of Bel Ami was aired, I think on 20th November. I still remember how happy I was when I found out that I could see Bel Ami online. Every Wednesday and Thursday were a happy day. 😉 Hope we can see him in a new drama soon.

  4. Thanks for sharing this Miss Tenshi! Fine words, which our Prince deserves it.
    Congratulations to Jang Keun Suk , our Sweet Sukkie! Congratulations to Team H equally! They did a wonderful job with huge efforts! Also we wish them success in Osaka and wish them to finish well, healthy and safe this tour.
    I’m happy for eels that were able to attend live the concerts and thank them for sharing with us the impressions and emotions and make us feel closer to our Prince.
    ZIKZIN Jang Keun Suk and take care of yourself
    …. And I have to say Happy First Anniversary to ‘Beautiful Man’ !!! A year ago, on
    November 20, 2013, the first episode aired on KBS2 and we are waiting breathlessly to be able to see him. We miss a lot Jang Keun Suk that we don’t even expect to be translated into English and looking at episodes in Korean. Never mind that we don’t understand what they said but we have enjoyed every moment with him and then we shared here on this blog all impressions and feelings. I must admit that so I started writing here. Until then I was just a spectator but I took courage and began to participate with others, because I realized that love and admiration for this amazing young man does not impose age limits and the limits of nationality. He is loved around the world ….

  5. congratz TEAM H and sukkielove you are so talented and hard work GODBLESS all we miss you so much.Take care always TEAM H & JKS


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