4 thoughts on “[Video] Full-version of Tongyi C Girl Pageant_20141024 (no-subbed)”

  1. Thank you for sharing! Watching the show was fun even though I couldn´t understand what they were talking. Sukkie was so cute when he laughed at 64:25 while the girl in a glitter shorts danced. The man in the pink jacket and especially PHS looked shooked by her dance. LOL And Sukkie was so cute when he said he liked her better than the other girl and gave his points to her. He really blushed. ♥ He is suprisingly shy sometimes.

    • zoe..yes..he really blushed.so cute..if u watched the variety show called “ideal world cup champagne” before..u could see this side of him too.his shy looks.i still thinks jks is mysterious to me sometimes..no matter how much he showed his true self to us.

      • I know, he was amazing in that show. I have watched it several times. It´s on you tube, and even have english subs. So glad that we have you tube. 😉

  2. thank you team of ECI, I liked this show very much, I loved the part when the girl danced with sexy moves and watch the expression of JKS face, he is so honest when he commented which was the reason for his vote, he is so cute when he blushed and laughed about this, I liked when he put on the crown is so funny.


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