18 thoughts on “[ENG-SUB] Jang Keun Suk’s ZIKZIN Radio_episode 23_bucket list #2”

  1. Hi, Tenshi:

    I was reviewing my Zikzin Radio links; I realized I don’t have Jang Keun Suk _ Zikzin Radio_ EP21 [ENG_SUB]~Do you have the hard sub of Geunseok’s Podcast? I listened to the Podcast but, it’s in Korean; I understand some Korean but, not all of it. I sent a message to Winnie Chan if she has the hard sub . . . Meanwhile, if you have EP 21, will you please upload Jang Keun Suk _ Zikzin Radio_ EP21 [ENG_SUB], please? Thank you so very much!

  2. Thank you so much for the translation! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Always love Zikzin Radio. JKS is so smart, witty and charming. The birthday part was very touching. Love the part when he talks about being true to yourself and living life without regrets. I could listen to him all day. I hope he will keep making Zikzin Radio.

    • I agree with you Zoe he is VERY witty and it’s amazing because hardly you see that in youth these days. He is a very down to hearth boy, he knows what he wants. Very smart our boy! Listening to his laughter makes my day!!! I love him!!!

  3. Just listening to his voice and laughter makes my day!!! I love my prince. Ended hi is so witty and smart.

  4. Love his Zikzin radio shows. Every time I listened to them, I smiled from start to finish. This guy has so much upbeat and positive energy. I can never get enough of him.

  5. Thank you so much for the English translation. This is the first time I’ve listened to him, (me being a new fan/eel). He really is such an amazing guy, so witty, charming, childlike and yet mature in his thoughts. The more I listened to him, the more I appreciate and understand why he has such loving eels! I actually found myself laughing and just being entertained. JKS you are truly awesome! Continue to shine! Go for your dreams and wishing you’ll be able to do what is in your bucket list!

    Looking back now, JKS is indeed an inspiration! Hope he also gets to read how his eels and new fans appreciates hi
    And for Jacqui who translated-thanks heaps; for Tenshi and the rest of the administrators- thank you for your generosity in sharing about JSK in this blog. Reading this has become a daily habit! Cheers!

  6. I love zik zin radio and I appreciate your work because thanks for your translation I can watch this wonderful program

  7. hi … this site helped me alot to know Mr jang guen suk 🙂
    so thanxxxxxxxxx alot ..
    i just wonder if there is more than 23EP OF ZIKZIN ..
    and why our prince stoped this program ?!! i miss him so much 🙁
    i cant say how much i adore this person lol
    indeed i found here and every where i went searching about him .. that all eels talking in the same language ( love language ).. about him and express all what in my heart without i know them .. Jks world is … so especial and never ends !!

    so iam from Jordan and i would like to say ” i think iam so lucky to know him even he is driving me to crazy 😀

    All the best for him .. And thanx a lot coz u let us know him and be closer in somehow 🙂

  8. Finally, d last episode.. JKS is an inspiration, and he definitely is in my bucket list.. thx for subbing!


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