9 thoughts on “[Pics-2] JKS departs from Incheon to Nagoya for TEAM H tour_20140930”

  1. My sweetie babe looks happy and full of energy. On the go again to Japan, his second home. It must have been pretty cool now looking at his jumper. Anyway, BB is still in his sleeveless T showing his muscles. It seems like he does not need bodyguard compared to the Prince who always has more than one. Can ‘t wait to see how they would attack their audience !!! Have a good time with them, Japanese eels.

  2. Sukkie was in such a good mood today. Lucky Nagoya eels! I know the concerts will be amazing.

    So many posts today. Thank you Tenshi.

  3. Todo esta bien, acaso no cancelara su concierto TEAM H, en las noticias salio que hizo erupcion el volcan que se encuentra en Nagoya, por su seguridad seria mejor cancelar

  4. Is it his new car that he was talked about during the ZIKZIN Open Radio in Seoul as a gift from his parents ?


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