11 thoughts on “[Video] TEAM H – MTV ZUSHI Fes 2014 [HD]”

  1. Thank you so much!!! I can´t beleve that I have just watched it! 🙂 I´m so happy now. Sukkie is so cute with his “Driving to the highway”- moves.

    Didn´t they sing Take me, and several other songs? Will it be broadcast next time?

  2. Thanks for sharing Tenshi and Saad…good quality..
    Too bad it’s only 2 songs but MTV had to shorten all the stages..so only select 2 songs ..well it’s better than nothing 🙂

  3. Thanks Tenshi and Saad,the video is really good in quality and both of them seem to be really enjoy the stage.

  4. Surprisingly..looking at this make me miss the previous team h. But still love suk even i prefer him with slender body. Cant wait to watch team h concert. They try quite a different genre for this album which I think the songs are more fun to hear than to watch.

  5. Hooray, baby belly and double chin are back. I just love this chubbiness, the wet and the baby face look that are so different from my thin slim Sukkie. What impressed me most is that he could move his audience every way he wanted to. My baby Sugar, just love you.

  6. Love the part when Suk runs around BB, claps his hands and dances while BB start to sing “Driving to the highway”, so adorable! And that part at 3:45, just ♥. Can´t stop watching it. 🙂


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