Wow sexy Sukkie, with his sexy legs, sexy naked feet, with the sexy muscles…but what are those scars in the arms? Ow just read an article that he has a rumored girlfriend who is 8 years younger. I hope its true that he has already a girlfriend. I want him to have sombody aside from his parents, staff and fans who care for him, but also have a special someone.
Age does not matter as long as love for each other is mutual. And based on his past relationships, the women were older than him. Maybe he likes older than him.
I totally agree, the age isn´t important. I hope too he will find someone he wants to share his life with. Lucky her! But it´s just a rumour as you are saying, and Tree J has said that it´s not true.
A lot of fans were on the airport this time. Is it effect of the Zikzin Radio in Seoul?
Always lovely.♥ Although i like his casual outfit from the day he arrived Japan better.
i love this style..i remember the pants.kkk..i think frm seoul fm in 2011 but its long pants.maybe he cut it.kkk..gotta check.i just love his casual style nowadays. when he departed to japan he wear singlet and jeans and here he wear t’s and pants. just small change of style with smart mix and match.act..suk can make any clothes look good.its suk’s magic.
Yeah, I noticed that too, There were no bodyguards. And about the scratch in his arms, it was more than a month ago right? Does somebody know how he got those?
here in that pics he look unshaved ,but is the qality of the cammera .
Wow sexy Sukkie, with his sexy legs, sexy naked feet, with the sexy muscles…but what are those scars in the arms? Ow just read an article that he has a rumored girlfriend who is 8 years younger. I hope its true that he has already a girlfriend. I want him to have sombody aside from his parents, staff and fans who care for him, but also have a special someone.
Isn´t she 8 years older than him? But Tree J has said it´s not true. I hope he has somebody he loves.
Age does not matter as long as love for each other is mutual. And based on his past relationships, the women were older than him. Maybe he likes older than him.
I totally agree, the age isn´t important. I hope too he will find someone he wants to share his life with. Lucky her!
But it´s just a rumour as you are saying, and Tree J has said that it´s not true.
A lot of fans were on the airport this time. Is it effect of the Zikzin Radio in Seoul?
Always lovely.♥ Although i like his casual outfit from the day he arrived Japan better.
i love this style..i remember the pants.kkk..i think frm seoul fm in 2011 but its long pants.maybe he cut it.kkk..gotta check.i just love his casual style nowadays. when he departed to japan he wear singlet and jeans and here he wear t’s and pants. just small change of style with smart mix and match.act..suk can make any clothes look good.its suk’s magic.
Have you noticed that his body guards aren’t there? Does anyone know why?
Yeah, I noticed that too, There were no bodyguards. And about the scratch in his arms, it was more than a month ago right? Does somebody know how he got those?
Sexy legs!
yes, I want him to love someone too