13 thoughts on “[Pic] JKS with Staff of SPA_20140707”

  1. Wow!!! latest picture of JKS. You look so simple, young and perfectly handsome.
    Love yah!!! Zikzin always My prince…
    Thank you for sharing this picture Miss Tenshi.

  2. Tenshi Akuma, I’m always thankful for all the love and efforts you give to EELS for us to know the updates of Sukkie. And I will also express my heartfelt prayers to all of you specially those who are living in Okinawa as you brace one strongest typhoons this year. I pray for all your safety.

    • Thanks for your kind consideration. Not yet the big typhoon has come to my area, but probably it will come this week… šŸ™ I hope many people can evacuate earlier than it comes and we have little damages.

      • I hope that the typhoon will be weaker before it reaches your area, dear Tenshi. And I hope that everything will go well with you and your familly. Japan feels so much closer to me because of you and jks forever.

      • May God be with you. Under the moon, the sun, the Holy Spirit our sister Tenshi Akuma will always be safe.

  3. Thank you for sharing, Tenshi! šŸ™‚ Where is this? Is Sukkie in Seoul or some place on vacation?

    I’m looking forward to nico nico webcast. Isn’t that tomorrow? I hope to see some new videos. šŸ™‚

  4. My Sugar looks very thin in this photo. He must have been working hard and on diet with three bottles of Shoju a day (as he used to say on how he did when he wanted to diet) kkkkk.

  5. Dear Tenshi,
    Which part of Japan do you live? I just saw in Yahoo news about the super typhoon that will hit Okinawa today. I hope everything is well for you and your loved ones as well as the other Japanese people. Thanks for this picture again and for always keeping us updated. Take care! šŸ™‚


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