14 thoughts on “[ENG-SUB] Jang Keun Suk – Zikzin Radio Recording in Jeju Island”

  1. I can´t thank you enough for english subs! It´s even better when we can understand what he is talking about.

    Sukkie should make Zikzin TV.

    • I think tv is too much..kkk..imagine a tv prog to talk about himself..kkk..even eels would like..what about others? But with suk we never know.maybe he could make his own channel.

  2. Thanks both Sarah Sis and Bro Saad. Love Zikzin Radio that he can share his experience, express his feeling and interact with eels from Korea, Japan and China!

  3. funny little bad boy..ilove that duck lips of you…thank you everyone for subbing and sharing this vid.

  4. Sugar Sukkie always eager to please others and is also very easy to be pleased. Watching him boiling the wine and eating his meal heartily (especially the salad) sharing it with his family (I think his mom was with him) and his colleagues makes me think a lot about him. How can people dislike him? It is so cruel to attack such a lovely person like him. I just simply love and adore this son of Koreans.

    • I always love the BTS about Sukkie..in this way we get to see who he interacts with collegues, friends and family. These things are not easily shared and he is one of the few if not the only one that shows his real bts to his fans… I have nothing to say about his profesionalism…but how he mingles with people is what makes me respect, adore and love him.. Eating and drinking and sharing with them without difference..

      Like you I love to see him munching his food..I always feel like a proud mom 🙂

  5. He is so cute soooo cute i enjoyed watching this video…he is so cute like a baby i love him so much….

  6. I miss Zikzin Radio, and hope that you guys work on english subs for episode 12. I can´t thank you enough for all your hard work! 🙂

    I have allready downloadet and listened to it, but I want to understand what he is talking about too. I can hardly wait for english subs. 🙂


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