7 thoughts on “[Pics-13] JKS’ graduation from Hanyang University”

  1. I love these pictures…this is our Sukkie living his moments as son of Jang papa en Jang mama…his moments as “just” a ordinary student who finished a chapter in his life and celebrated amongst his peers, trusted professors people he holds in high esteem and his love ones

  2. Wonderful moments, sweet emotions, precious memories …
    A deserved reward after hard and sustained work .
    A dream come true. Follow many other dreams with hard work and confidence come alive.
    I have all confidence in him and I wish him to be healthy and strong.

  3. It seems like university graduation in Korea are less formal compared to other countries.

    BUT, I am very happy that JKS took extra care to look formal during this occasion. However, some graduates are even in their casual walking shoes. There seem to be no processional, no recessional, no recommended attire, no particular seating arrangement, etc.

    In my country, university graduation is a big deal. It is a formal occasion to celebrate the many years of burning the midnight candle. We have a commencement speaker and there is someone who gives the graduation address, of course he is the summa cum laude.

    But anyway, that’s how they do things; I respect them for that.

    • And that’s wny I respect Sukkie even more…he alwayas rise to the occasion…he said he decided to wear his old classic suit for this special occasion out of respect for his elders and professors
      A very respectful, thoughtful and honest child
      no need to say we always trust in him


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