7 thoughts on “[Video] JKS’ graduation from Hanyang University”

  1. Undoubtedly the handsomest graduate of Hanyang University. But that is the least of Sukkie’s attributes. We all know how intelligent and talented he is. Achieving a college degree is but one step,towards the fulfillment of higher goals for him. Now, will he have time for love ?

  2. Thanks dear Tenshi for helping us to be with our Keun Suk in these important moments.
    I saw a really decent young man, elegant and charming.
    You’re the coolest!!!!!!

  3. our dear prince has achieved another milestone in his life…he looks so happy…wonder what his next big goal will be…for sure, he already has new plans…such a capable, determined and passionate young man…so handsome too..go for your dreams, dear prince!


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