27 thoughts on “[2014-02-16] Jang Keun Suk LINE”

    • me too, i super like his short hair! pls JKS dont go back to long hair. i really love your short hair. they really compliment your beautiful face…

  1. Agree with you 100%, Tenshi. Short hair makes him look sa manly. how I wish he would keep his hair short. Hmmm, wonder how Sukkie spent the last few days starting from Valentine’s ? I would be so happy if he spent it with his loved ones.

  2. You hv your long hair for 4 years Sukkie!
    It’s time you keep it stylishly short for a change!
    You look super handsome in short hair!

  3. Maybe eels should express their opinion on whether they like Sukkie’s hair, long or short. .Sukkie, you look your handsomest as Dokgo Mate, the masculine haircut and more flesh on your face is so perfect.Loved you in 2010, love your more now.

  4. Long hair, short hair … he looks amazing anyway …
    I think that it is well to wear the hair as he feels better.
    And no matter it changed hair style, his face, his smile and his eyes remain mostly as amazingly beautiful.
    Dear Keun Suk. With the hair you can do whatever you want but please, keep your velvety smile !

    • I agree with you, Adriana! You expressed exactly what I was thinking. He always looks good to me and especially when he’s smiling, so I want him to choose to wear his hair however it makes him feel happiest each day.

    • I´m totally agree with you Adriana. He looks like an angel or a rebel with long hair , younger and manly with short hair but Sukkie’s trademark is his smile … and those black eyes OMG!

  5. You look so much more hansome with short hair sukkie…. you keep remainding me of the gorgeous mate… and you look much more younger with short

  6. I understand Sukkie…missing his long silky hair..He has beautiful hair and very versitile…but he is also very very handsome with short hair…any hair..even no hair..
    But I miss his long hair also..I think he one of the few if not the only korean artist who can carry long hair this well…handsome to the point of beautiful..Keun Suk shi

  7. Sugar Sukkie, your short hair is as beautiful as your long hair. You are not Samson who lost his power after his hair was cut. You are Jang Keun Suk, the energetic Prince.

    Anyway, I love your long hair because you can also tie it up like Japanese Samurai that I love. I also love YOU, short hair, long hair, spaghetti like, wet look, dreadlocks, you are my Prince forever. It is YOU, your body, your face, your different smiles, your different eye expressions that we love. This photo showed us how relaxed and lovely you are.

  8. i know perhaps it is not about the hair but because of the attachment that has grown- he tried his best to maintain the beautiful long hair perhaps that is why it is not as easy to let go. and perhaps it was his additional way of feeling unique and special because not everyone can pull of the long hair.
    Sukkie dear – I miss your long hair too. i really do. i miss how it frames your face perfectly but I love your short hair too because it took a lot of strength from you. and because you look more manly with it. and because I cannot wait for you to grow it again up to the length of Seo Jun’s artistic hair which made me fall for you! so worry not ok? and better yet is own up your new hairstyle and just like what you always do- be the best-looking man with it! ❤ u always ^^

  9. Sukkie looks so relaxed & comfortable in this photo. Love him with any hairstyle but for now I hope he keeps it short!!! Cuz he looks so good with his new do.


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