7 thoughts on “[fan-made MV] 독고마태의 슬픔 (Dokgo MaTe’s sorrow)”

  1. two thumbs up for JKS act…even he don’t talk, only with face expression & eye sight, i can feel his feeling, please don’t have too much cry scene, hurt me.. even i know that’s only act but seen sukkie shed a tears, my heart ruin into a piece, beside that my eye become like fish eye…kkkk….

  2. thank you to this fan who captures MaTe’s delicate sorrowful moments. They were all heart-breaking and Sukkie portrayed them all so well.
    thank you for sharing this dear Tenshi!

    Jang Keun Suk does not need words to say everything. To make you cry or laugh, to be sad or to be happy, to be angry or to love everyone around you.
    The characters which he bring them to life live through him. In these characters he poured drops of his life.
    Therefore all are so precious and unique.
    Thanks to the fan who made the MV and thanks for sharing.


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